Christmas Dinner (food)


It’s only once a year so my husband is always a little nervous if everything will come out well – it always does, but I know the feeling.  He has to get up very early in the morning – specially this year it would have been before 6.00am in Sri Lankan time.


We still have a turkey even though it’s often just 2 of us.  I wish my family living nearby – we used to get together for Christmas dinner in Kobe with my family.  Some lovely memories….



He cooks the same side dishes every year – I guess it’s important to be “the same” to maintain the tradition .  Roast potatoes, roast parsnips, boiled Brussels sprouts, stuffing, sausages, bacon, and sausages rolled with bacon.  The parsnips were particularly sweet and delicious today.


The only thing we changed over the years is the stuffing.  When we were in Hong Kong, a Canadian friend made her stuffing for us and I loved it.  I never liked English stuffing – I don’t like the texture – but her stuffing was delicious, so I make something similar.  She never got around to giving me her recipe so I make it up.  In today’s stuffing I used bread, English sausage, onion, apple, pecan nut & sage.  My husband stuffs the turkey with some of it and then makes balls with the rest and roasts them and I particularly love these – nice and crunchy outside but moist inside.


Cranberry sauce isn’t something English people have in general, at least my husband’s family didn’t and neither did my English host family.  However it seems to be getting more popular now.  I quite like it because the sourness of the cranberry seems to cut the heaviness of the whole meal.  I have followed one recipe or another in past years but this time I just chucked a bagful of cranberreis in a saucepan, added some orange juice and sugar and cooked it until it looked good (added more sugar until I thought it was OK) and then finished off by adding some port.







We opened a special wine, too.


デザートは、クリスマスプディングとわたしが作ったミンスパイ。クリスマスプディングはロンドンの Fortnum and Mason で買ったのですが、ぼろぼろと崩れるタイプでした。シンガポールでも普通に手に入る、Marks & Spencer’sのの方が美味しかったかも。

The dessert was Christmas pudding and mince pies.  I bought  a fancy Christmas Pudding in Fortnum & Masons in London when we were there earlier this year, but the texture was a bit too crumbly.  I prefer a more ordinary one from Marks & Spencer’s, I think.  Not that I have a lot of it, it’s a bit too rich for me.  I do like the mince pies, though.




Everything was delicious – thanks to my husband, he’s a star!

I am thankful and grateful that my husband and I were able to have Christmas dinner again, smiling at each other.





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