Day 2 in Sicily / Palermo / Meals


As we had a few bits and pieces during our walking tour we were not very hungry but felt like having something small, so we sat at a cafe near our hotel.




We ordered Sfincione but the one we had at the walking tour was nicer.



シチリアからアップしたSicilian Breakfast と重なりますが、このときシチリアで初めてグラニータをいただきました。イタリア人のお友達から機会があったら是非グラニータを食べてと教えていただいていたので、とても楽しみにしていたのです。フレーバーは、大好きなピスタチオを 選びました。残念ながらここのグラニータは頭が痛くなって気分が悪くなるほど甘かったのですが、この後数カ所でいただいたグラニータはどれも甘かっタです がここのものほどではなく、美味しくいただきました。ジェラートもグラニータもシチリアではブリオッシュといただくらしいので何度かブリオッシュもオー ダーしましタが、お腹に溜まりすぎるので、大抵はグラニータだけにしていました。

As I wrote from Sicily in Sicilian Breakfast, I wanted to try Granita because my Italian friend who live in Umbria recommended me to.  I chose Pistachio flavour.  I also ordered brioche because I was told that’s what Sicilian have with gelato and granita.  Brioche was nice but granita was much too sweet.  I tried granita in a few places after this place but this one was by far the sweetest, others were also quite sweet but I enjoyed them.







My husband ordered some sort of gelato this time.  When he was asked if he wanted to have cream he said yes, and look at the amount of cream!



シ チリアでは(多分)ジェラートやグラニーたをオーダーすると生クリームはどうするかと聞かれ、ほしいというと上に生クリームをのせてくれます。わたしは乳 性品が得意ではないので生クリームなしでオーダーしていましたが、地元の方はクリームをのせたジェラートをスプーンで上からつついて混ぜてブリオッシュを 浸して召し上がっていました。(オープンカフェでいただいたのですが、屋根代わりの布に色が付いていたので写真が変な色になってしまいました。)

In Sicily, we were often asked if we wanted to have cream with granita.  I don’t like cream very much so I had it without but I did see many people having it with cream, mixing it in and dipping a piece of broche in it.



With jet lag, we walked for 3 hours in the heat so we were quite tired, so we went back to our hotel after lunch and had a nap.  Although we woke up in the evening, we were still feeling groggy and didn’t feel hungry enough to want to go to a restaurant.  My husband went out to a little shop across the hotel, bought some cookies so we had some of that and skipped the dinner this day.




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