Thai Green Vegetable Curry

今日は、タイグリーンカレーにしてみました。いつもならチキンですが、少し野菜不足気味なので(チキンストックを使っているのでベジタリアンではありませんが)、野菜のカレーにしました。レシピはよく参考にしている、Hot Thai Kitchen レシピを参考にしました。レシピはチキンカレーのレシピですが、チキンの代わりにお野菜を入れました。

Today’s dinner was Thai Green Curry.  I usually use chicken but today I used just vegetables as I felt we haven’t had enough vegetables for the last one week because of travelling.  Although it’s not vegetarian as I used chicken stock, everything else is vegetables.  I used basically the Thai Green Chicken Curry recipe of Hot Thai Kitchen without using chicken.


As spiciness of curry paste depends on the brand and this is a recipe of a Thai lady, I used much less curry paste.  In the recipe it’s 3 table spoons but I used 1 and it was a little too mild for us, I would use 1.5 or a little less than that next time.  I also found it a little too sweet even though I used less sugar than the recipe so I’ll again use 1.5 table spoons of sugar next time.


Vegetables I used were potato, sweet potato, okra, small eggplant and tomato.  I would have loved to use more vegetables but then even when I use only a small amount of each vegetable the total volume becomes too much for 2 of us.  This made just the right amount.









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