Relaxing Lunch At Home With A Friend


I had lunch with a friend.  I tried to think of a restaurant to go to but I couldn’t come up with anywhere to suggest so I asked her if she would like to come over and have some nibbles and wine.


I had a little accident about 10 minutes before she was going to arrive – the flower arrangement I made yesterday got all messed up and I had to quickly make it look OK.  It took me 2 hours yesterday (I did clean up the leaves etc as well but even so) but today I did it in 5 minutes.  I couldn’t be fussy, I just had to pile them up in the style that looked good enough.  I was very relieved that I managed, phew.


I kept the black table cloth as I feel it goes nicely with the flowers, which somehow make it look quite chic and festive.





I used these napkin rings that I made many years ago.






Ham, salami & pate.



I made a Middle-Eastern dip – roasted red pepper & walnut dip.  It has roasted red pepper, walnut, pine nut, pomegranate syrup etc.  I haven’t made it for a long time but I like it.  I served it so we can have it with vegetable sticks, bread or cheese biscuits.



3 cheeses and dried fruits.  I also served a special semi-dried persimmon that  a friend of mine gave me.



And a salad with some apple.



For dessert, I made pear in red wine because I remember I served it many years ago to this friend and she liked it very much.  The photo was completely out of focus by some reason, I’ll try to take one again tonight.

ということで、作ったのは野菜スティックとディップとサラダと洋梨の赤ワイン煮だけ、あとは買ったものを並べただけという簡単ランチでしたが、親しいお友達とはこんなランチも良いかな、と思います。冷蔵庫にあると思っていたシャンパンがなくて(シャンパンにしましょうか、赤ワインにしましょうか、とお聞きしたのに 笑)赤ワインを開けましたが、2人で1本空けました。ランチタイムでは珍しいかも。知らないうちに、わたしも結構飲んでいました。

All I made was vegetable sticks, red pepper & walnut dip, salad and pear in red wine, so it was a very easy simple lunch but hopefully my friend enjoyed it.  I think it’s OK not to do a lot sometimes when you want to get together with good friends as spending time together is the main thing.  I thought we had a bottle of Champange in the fridge so I offered that, then found out we didn’t… so we opened a bottle of red.  We finished the bottle between us, which is unusual at lunch time.  It seems I drank more than usual.


So, another “the last lunch this year”.


Incidentally, I’ll be serving the same things at dinner to my husband.  I asked him if it was OK for him and he didn’t mind.  I’m still very full and there is still a lot of ham and cheese left and he does like this sort of meal.  I don’t think I’ll be eating much, though.

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