Superfast Asian-Spiced Pork Noodles with stir fried Green Pepper


It’s June from today, in one month, a half year will have gone…

今日の夕食は、Superfast Asian-Spiced Pork Noodles with stir fried Green Pepper(グリーンパプリカとポークのあっという間に出来上がる、アジア風)でした。ポークのミンチを対スパイスミックスと一緒に炒め、グリーンのパプリカを加えて更に炒め、青ネギと調味料(ケチャップマニスとお酢とライム汁)を加えて茹でた麺と和えてコリアンダーを加えて出来上がりです。今日もケチャップマニスが登場しました(笑)。味は悪くなかったのですが、麺の量が少なすぎ!2人で50gでは足りません。麺は2口で食べ終わってしまって、ミンチばかり後に残りました。見本の写真はもっとたくさん麺が入っているようなので、麺を間違われたのかもと思いますが、何しろ足りませんでした。

Today’s dinner was Superfast Asian-Spiced Pork Noodles with stir fried Green Pepper.  It really was nice and fast. First stir-fry mince pork with Thai spice mix, then add sliced green pepper and cook a few more minutes, then add a mixture of seasonings (Ketjap Manis, vinegar & lime juice).  Add in the cooked noodles, mix them together well, add some coriander and it’s done.  It tasted good but there was hardly any noodles!  It was 100g of noodles for two of us, which isn’t enough at all.  On their site, the photo shows a lot more noodles, maybe they gave us the wrong amount of noodles?  Anyway, the noodles weren’t enough, I finished mine in 2 small mouthfuls and had to eat all of the mince pork after that.







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