Homemade Ciabatta Using Sourdough


When I baked Ciabatta using sourdough about a week ago, I baked them without doing anything to the dough after cutting (I think Ciabatta is supposed to be baked that way) just like the youtube video I referred to, and it was very good – but the crust was very crunchy and it was quite thin bread with a large hole inside, so not suitable for sandwiches.  This time, although I used the same recipe, I did form some sort of a shape with the dough before baking referring to another Youtube video.


I started mixing the dough early enough so I was able to follow the recipe in terms of the time for resting the dough, and I used strong flour this time, but I did some small changes to the process.

強力粉 450g
サワドースターター 100g
塩 12g
水 360g (粉の80%)

  1. 材料を全部よく混ぜて、30分休ませる。
  2. 伸ばして畳むを数回繰り返して、30分休ませる。
  3. 後数回、伸ばして畳むを数回繰り返し、30分休ませるを繰り返す。
  4. タッパーに入れ、倍になるまで4−6時間置く。
  5. 冷蔵庫に入れて、12時間から24時間低温発酵させる。(今回は12時間。)
  6. 翌日冷蔵庫から出し、しっかり粉を振って作業台に出す。
  7. 少し伸ばして形を整え、4つに切って(レシピでは8つ)布巾をかけて1時間ほど休ませる。
  8. 縦に3つ折りにして、閉じ目をつまんで閉じ、さらに両端を少し折って閉じ目をつまんで閉じる。
  9. オーブンシートの上にベイキングペーパーをのせて生地を閉じ目を下にのせる。
  10. 布巾をかけて30分休ませる。
  11. オーブンに別のオーブンシートを入れて250度にしっかり予熱し、生地をオーブンのオーブンシートに滑らせてのせ、霧吹きで水をスプレーして18分焼く。(うちのオーブンは表示より温度が高いのか早めに色がつき過ぎるので、生地を入れてすぐ230度くらいに下げましたが、それでも早く色がついたので途中からもう少し温度を下げました。)


450g Strong Flour
100g Sourdough Starter
12g Salt
360g Water

  1. Mix everything well and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  2. Repeat “stretch & fold” a few times and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  3. Repeat (2) a few more times.
  4. Put the dough in a tupperware, mark the line and let it rest for 4-6 hours until it doubles.
  5. Put it in the fridge for 12-24 hours. (12 hours this time)
  6. Take it out of the fridge, put enough flour on top of the dough and also on the work top and take the dough out.
  7. Stretch just a little to make a rectangle shape, cut it into 4 (in the recipe you cut it into 8), cover with cloth and let it rest for an hour or so.
  8. Fold each rectanglar dough in 3, pinch the end and also fold both of the other ends and pinch the ends so there is no opening.
  9. Put a sheet of non-stick baking paper on top of a metal baking sheet and put the dough on that with the pinched side on the bottom.
  10. Cover them with dry cloth and let them rest for 30 minutes.
  11. Make sure the oven is heated throughly at 250C with another baking sheet or pizza stone.  Slice the non-stick baking paper with the dough on onto the hot baking sheet.   Spray water inside the oven.  Bake it for 18 minutes. I think our oven gets hotter than the standard ovens so as soon as I put it in I lowered the temperature down to 230C, but even so, it coloured very quickly so I turned it down slightly more than halfway through.



The dough is very slack so until it becomes a little firmer rather than “stretch & fold” I just pulled it up, turned the bowl around so a part of the dough former something like a screw and just repeated it.  It is very sticky so when I formed a rectanguar shape from the cut dough, I used a lot of flour and also a spatula (scraper) and tried not to touch the dough too much.


As I don’t have much experience with baking bread, I feel nervous and worry if it’s going to work every time when I bake.  This time it looked like it was nearly burnt but when I tried I was very surprised how delicious it was.  The crust was crispy but not as hard as crunchy, the crumb is fluffy and slightly chewy (in a pleasant way).  As I used sourdough starter and the dough was raised at low temperature for many hours, I can taste some “sour” flavour but it’s not overpowering.  The crumb is much softer than when I baked a large round or oval bread with similar dough (but with less water).  It’s delicious dipped in olive oil but I think it’s also going to be delicious for sandwiches (simple ones like Parma Ham & rocket).  I am so happy with the result.


I am sure that people who know about bread baking can find a lot of things wrong with these, they don’t look pretty, but at least for me these are much more delicious than any bread we have bought in England so far.  It amazes me that even I, who hardly has much experience or knowledge about baking bread, can bake such tasty bread from such simple ingredients.






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