Holiday Day 18 / Walking On The York City Wall


Yesterday, after checking in to the hotel in York, we walked a little on the York City Wall.

4つある門(ゲート)の中のミックルゲートバーという門のところで降りて、降りたところにあるカフェ/バーで冷たいものを飲んで休憩しました。わたしはモクテル(写真は飲んだ後ですが 笑)、夫はビール。

There are four gate bars along the wall and we got off at Mickelgate Bar, then went into a cafe/bar and had a rest with a cold drink. I had a mocktail (the photo is just an empty glass…) and my husband had a pint of bitter.


After having the drink, we walked in the town a little more, then went back to the hotel. York has a lot of old buildings so it’s fun to walk in town, but as it was Sunday yesterday most of the shops were closed.

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