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Meals In The Last Few Days…


On the day I arrived in Japan, it was around 2.00 pm when I got to Nishinomoya but I hadn’t had any lunch so my sister made me Japanese Congee with soup stock from a Hot Pot they’d had for dinner on the day before.  It was very warming and delicious.




My sister came down with a cold a few days before I arrived and she still wasn’t feeling well so we had Pizza delivered for dinner.



Lunch next day was left-over pizza as we ordered too much.


2nd day, I made Chilli Con Carne for dinner.  I often make it in Singapore as my husband loves it but my sister, her husband and my brother all came to love it since I’ve been making it for them, so I’ve usually done it every time when I’ve come back in the last few years.

翌日3日目のお昼は既にアップした焼きそばとお好み焼きを食べに出て、帰りにドイツソーセージを主においている「Metzgerei Kusuda」というお店でソーセージや生ハム、レバーペスト、お惣菜を数種類購入し、夜はソーセージとお惣菜。

Lunch on the 3rd day was Yakisoba and Okonomiyaki as I’ve already blogged.  On our way home, we bought some sausages, liver pate, ham and some bits and pieces in a German Sauage/ham shop called “Metzgerei Kusuda”.  That was the dinner that day.


We also had cheese I bought at a Cheese Tasting Course in Singapore.


Between German wine (to go with sausages) and Italian wine, we decided to have Italian wine to go with the cheeese.


Yesterday’s lunch was Soba as I’ve already blogged.  Dinner was Hot Pot as they had quite a lot of ingredients for it at home.  In Japan we tend to have hot pot in winter often – it’s warming and also easy.


Today’s lunch was some baguette cheese toasts and also some of the ham and liver paste we bought the other day.




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