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Bill’s – A Lovely Cafe In Chichester

今日は、午前中は「Hello Fresh」のデリバリー待ち、午後からはチチェスター に用がありでかけました。本当は冷蔵庫にあるものをパンと一緒に食べてランチにする予定だったのですが、前述のようにパンが忘れられていて、うちにあったパンは昨日食べきってしまったのでチチェスター のカフェでランチをしました。日本と違って、こちらはクリスマスから2週間、クリスマスのデコレーションが続きます。

We needed to be home for the delivery from Hello Fresh as I’ve written, then we went out to Chichester as we needed to get something in a shop there.  We were planning to have left-overs that we have in the fridge with the bread we were going to get from Hello Fresh, but as I wrote they forgot to include it so we couldn’t have lunch at home, hence we decided to have lunch in Chichester before shopping.  Unlike Japan, everywhere is decorated with Christmas decoration for 2 weeks from Christmas.  (In Japan, they change the decoration from Christmas ones to New Year ones on the 25th December!  They celebrate Christmas on the 24th.  New Year is more important there).


My husband found a nice looking cafe called “Bills” – not the chain restaurants/cafe of the Australian chef, this one is also a chain of restaurants/cafe but not from Australia.  It seems like there are many of them all over the UK.  This one was in a small shopping mall.


The decor is a rustic and industrial style, very nice.  When we got there aorund 12.30 it was quite empty but by the time we left we saw some people queueing for tables, so it must be very popular.

わたしはピーチ・ミント・アイスティーと Mojo マリネのチキンの串焼きとグレイン(キノアとワイルドライス)ときゅうりと玉ねぎのサラダとタズキ。夫はカプチーノとエッグベネディクト。チキンもグレインサラダも美味しくいただきました。

I had Peach & Mint Ice Tea and Mojo Marinated Chicken Skewers with Grain & Wild Rice, cucumber & onion salad.  I enjoyed mine.


We have tried quite a few cafes near us, they are all quite nice and you get a large portion of food, but the food isn’t often to my liking so I haven’t written the names of them.  This cafe was quite good, we will return.


3 Buttermarket, North Street
Chichester PO19 1LQ

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