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The Last Dinner in Khao Lak


We left our hotel very early this morning (6.30am) to take an early flight home and got back safely after lunch time.  There was a very long queue at the immigration at Phuket airport but we had more than enough time to kill after going through the security check, we always leave for the airport earlier than necessary.

カオラックでの最後の夜の夕食は、わたしたちが宿泊していたホテルの入り口を出て道路を渡ってすぐのところにある、「Everyday 2」というレストランに行ってみました。

For the last dinner in Khao Lak, we tried “Everyday 2”, which was right across the road from the hotel’s gate.


Deep-fried cashew nuts, Deep-fried toast with mince pork topping (this wasn’t so good), cashew nut salad (onion, pepper, Chinese celery with some deep-fried cashew nuts), Beef Salad (I forgot to take a photo), Chicken red curry.  I was still a little hungry when we finished but it seemed like I was the only one so I had a filling dessert (banana fritter).






合計で1950バーツほどでした。品数が少なかった割に前日より少し高かったですが、それでもとってもお安い。今回行ったお店はどこもとても美味しかったですし、サービスも良かったです。Ruanthai Kitchen が中でも一番コストパーフォーマンスが良く、食事も美味しくスタッフもにこにこと特別一生懸命な感じで好感が持てました。数年前に行ったときは、レストランの印象は全体にそれほどよくなかったような気がするので、今回運が良かったのか、全体のレベルが上がったのか。ただ、何も言わないとあまり辛くないので、スパイシーにという方がタイ料理らしい辛さで美味しいと思いました。(最初の2件ではスパイシーにと言わなかったので、マイルドでした。)バンコクと違ってこういうリゾート地でレストランに行くのは観光客ばかりなので、何も言わないとマイルドに作られるようです。

It was about 1,950 Bhat.  A little more than the day before although I think we ordered much less food.  It was still very inexpensive comparing to Singapore.  All the restaurants we went to were good this time, both in terms of foods and service.  Perhaps “Ruanthai Kitchen” was the cheapest and the staff were extra friendly.  I don’t remember the food being so good the last time when we were there a few years ago.  I don’t know if we were lucky this time or the level improved.  However, if you like spicy foods it’s better to let them know.  We didn’t say anything in the first 2 restaurants and it wasn’t spicy enough to us.  In Khao Lak we never see any local customers in this sort of restaurants so they tame it down for tourists, I think, if you don’t say anything.


Our friends were staying in a different hotel, which was I guess about 15 minutes walk from ours, so we got together only for dinners, but it was lovely to see them.  I wish we had more time but hopefully we can visit them in Italy or they can visit us in Singapore in the near future.

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