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Lunch At Luka

久しぶりにお目にかかるお友達と、ランチをご一緒しました。共通のお友達がオープンされた Luka にまだ行けていないとのことだったので、Luka にご一緒することに。到着してびっくり、お隣のお席にこのところ仲良くさせていただいているお友達数人が!(笑)日本人が多いレストランですしシンガポールはどこに行っても日本人だらけですが、ついこの間ご一緒したお友達が隣の席、というのはあまりないこと(でも、似たようなことはたま〜にあります)。シンガポールは狭いのですがレストランの数は数え切れないくらいあるので、同じレストランでばったりということはそうそうないこと。ご縁があるのでしょうか。

I had lunch with a friend I hadn’t got together with for a while.  She hasn’t been to Luka, which is a restaurant of our mutual friend, so we decided to go there.  When we got there I found a group of Japanese ladies next to our table and 3 of them were my friends!  Singapore is very small and this restaurant is always full of Japanese but it was still a surprise to see friends I met just the other day.


We shared a salad, Lasagne and Pizza Margaritas.


First you get a slice of bread and a dip, the olive oil was very nice.


I forgot to take a photo of the salad, it had salad leaves, some cabbage slices, tomato and cauliflower, the dressing was onion dressing.


Lasagne looked full of cheese but it was quite light, maybe they use Ricotta cheese?  Personally, I would like more meat sauce and some white sauce (I don’t think there was any white sauce, just cheese) with a touch more seasoning but it tasted good and relatively light so perhaps many Japanese would like it.


Pizza was good.  It has more cheese than what I remember in Italy but the pizza base is nice.  Again, personally, I would use a touch more seasoning myself.



We shared a bottle of sparkling water and I think it was about S$24.  I always get surprised how inexpensive it is here.


I guess they have a small menu to cut down the cost, which is understandable, but I would love to have more selections in starter.  Both pasta and pizza fills you up so quickly.  I would like to share a few starters then have just pasta or a pizza.


18 Tanjong Pagar Road
Singapore 088441

Tel: 6221 3988



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