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My First Bibimbap (Vegetarian Version) Cooking


2年ほど前に手術をした後、2週間ほど外出出来ず暇で仕方なかったのでそれまではほとんど見ていなかった Youtube を見始めてしまったのですが、最近たまたまクリックした 韓国ご出身のMaangchi さんのお料理ビデオにハマってしまいました。お料理が大好き、美味しいものが大好きというのが伝わって来ますし、時々話される作られたお料理にまつわる思い出話しもじ〜んと来る話が多く、独特の発音の訛りも可愛らしく、お料理も美味しそうでついつい次々と見てしまい、韓国料理にも以前より興味が湧きました。

Tonight’s dinner was Bibimbap – my first time to cook it.

A couple of years ago I had an operation and wasn’t able to go out for about 2 weeks.  I was so bored that I started watching Youtube – something that I had very seldom done before then – and recently I happened to come across a Korean lady, Maangchi, who has lots of videos of  cooking (mainly) Korean dishes and I couldn’t stop watching them.  I love her enthusiasm for cooking, how touching many of the stories are that she tells about some of the dishes, and find her accent very cute; I think she is adorable.  And what she cooks look so delicious, too.  This made me get more interested in cooking Korean dishes.


I did learn a few Korean dishes at cooking classes when we were living in Hong Kong, and I did make one or two dishes that I learned at that time, but nothing since then.  After watching so many videos of this lady, I started to feel like cooking one of them and decided to cook Bibimbap.  Bibimbap is probably one of the most well-known Korean dishes all over the world.  It’s a bowl of rice with lots of toppings (usually beef and some cooked vegetables) with Korean chilli paste, which you mix very well before eating.  Although it doesn’t look so, it takes quite a lot of time to make this dish – but it took even longer than I expected.

Maangchi さんのレシピでは牛肉の他に7種類ものナムルを作りますが、わたしは2種類はしょり、牛肉はしいたけに変えて作ってみました。必ず必要とおっしゃっていたもやしとほうれん草のナムルの他に、ニンジン、ズッキーニ、赤パプリカ、きゅうりのナムル。石焼ビビンバに使う石の器は持っていないので、いつもご飯を2合炊くのに使っている赤いハートのル・クルーゼのお鍋を使いました。

Maangchi’s recipe calls for 7 different vegetables, individually cooked and seasoned, as well as beef, but I omitted 2 of the vegetables and used shiitake mushrooms instead of beef.  She says you have to have bean sprouts and spinach but you don’t have to use others.  I used carrot, courgette, red pepper, cucumber as well as bean sprouts and spinach.  I wanted to make the version where you use a stone bowl to make crispy rice on the bottom (because you heat up the stone bowl to keep it very hot) but we don’t have them, so I used the heart-shaped red Le Creuset pan that I always use to cook Japanese rice.


One problem was that it was very hard to find soy bean sprouts.  I’ve always wondered why but I seldom see bean sprouts in ordinary supermarkets in Singapore, and when I do not many of the packs look fresh.  I sometimes see mung bean sprouts but not soy bean sprouts often.  I asked my friends where they buy them and they told me you can find them usually in Meidi-ya (a Japanese supermarket).  I’ve looked for them in the past but they didn’t have them then, but luckily they did today. However, not much “soy beans” at the ends.  Still better than not having them.


Many people know this but as you have to season each type of vegetable all separately ( some with just salt, some with garlic, salt and sesame oil, some with soy sauce, etc ) then also cook each separately, it takes quite a long time to make this little dish.  I think it’s possible to cook, say, 3 different kinds of vegetables in a large frying pan in separate areas if it’s only for 1 person, but not when you cook for more than one.  Sadly it doesn’t look like it takes so much care and time, specially after you mix it.  I was a little anxious if it would turn out good, because it would have been very sad after spending that much effort, but it was very good. (I used a little less garlic, salt & sesame oil.)


A couple of things for improvements: I think I didn’t put enough sesame oil on the bottom of the Le Creuset, so the rice didn’t become crispy on the bottom – and what little did get a bit crispy wouldn’t come off.  The other thing is that I think I cooked each vegetable a little too long, the rice was a little too wet to my liking.  I know it’s not a huge problem because some people put some soup in to make it more moist but I like my rice on the dry side.  Anyway, it tasted good, I’m happy to say, and my husband enjoyed it, too.


I must say, though, that it was quite sad to have to mix it after putting all the colourful toppings before eating, it seemed such a shame.

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