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Pork With Zucchini


Today’s dinner was “Pork with Zucchini” (this is the recipe but it’s only in Japanese).

木曜日に Petworth のお肉屋さんまで行ったのですがポークは売り切れ、「明日また入ってくるよ」と言われたので昨日行ったら、ちょうどわたしたちが到着した時にトラックが来ていてそのなかにわたしたちが欲しかったポークも積まれていました。それから解体しなくてはいけないので2時間くらいかかると言われ、取り置いていただいて今日夫がピックアップに行ってやっと入手したポークの肩ロース。お肉屋さんに行っても欲しいものがない場合も結構あります。

We went to the butcher in Petworth on Thursday but their pork had been sold out.  They told us the new batch will come in on the following day, so we went again yesterday but the delivery truck had just arrived when we got there and they told us it was going to take a couple of hours for the butchering.  We decided to ask them to keep our order and my husband went to pick it up today – and we finally got some pork shoulder for tonight’s dinner.  We just never know what we can get when we go to the butcher as they run out quite a lot.


In Singapore and in England, unlike in Japan, zucchini is available all year around.  However, as we live in a country, where there are seasons, we’d like to try to eat what is in the season so this is the first time to cook this since we moved to England.  We bought some very fresh zucchini in a little farm shop.  In Singapore they were never fresh and were all huge, but these we bought here were a good size.


The recipe is in the link above but what we used today is:

ポークの肩ロース 760g
ズッキーニ(中) 2本
パプリカ(大) 1個半
玉ねぎ(中) 2個
トマト(中) 2個
缶トマト 1缶
水 缶トマト1缶分
豆板醤 大さじ 1.5
ブイヨンの顆粒 大さじ2
醤油 大さじ1

Pork Shoulder 760g
Zucchini (medium size) 2
Pepper (large) 1.5
Onion (large) 2
Tomato (medium) 2
Tin Tomato 1
Water (same volume as the tin of tomatoes)
Dobanjan  Tbsp 1.5
Bouillon powder Tbsp 2
Soy Sauce Tbsp 1


We cooked the pork about 2 hours but took the vegetables out for after an hour and a half as they would have disintegrated if cooked longer.  It’s probably because we use a Staub, casserole that the liquid doesn’t go down much and the result is too watery by the end of the cooking, so we reduced down the liquid at the end but it was still quite liquidy, we should probably coat the pork with flour before frying.  It is a very easy recipe, nothing much to do and everything is in it so no need to prepare side vegetables.  It’s delicious, too.  I’d forgotten that we usually have this with rice and it was too late to cook by the time I remembered, but there was some frozen rice (but not Japanese rice) so I used it for myself.  My husband prefers bread so he had his with bread (today’s baguette from the French bakery).  My husband kept saying how delicious it was while he was eating.




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