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Penne with Bacon & Leek


It’s been very cold, it didn’t go higher than 2C or 3C today even during the day and my husband told me he had to scrape the frost off his car this morning.  Having said that, the temperature inside is around 20C most of the time.  It can feels cold occasionally but most of the time it’s warm enough not to need any wintery clothes and I forget how cold it is outside, it shocks me when I open the door for some reason or other.

今日の夕食は、Delia Smith の「Penne with Bacon & Leek」を基に、ベーコンの代わりインパンチェッタ、ペンネの代わりにシェル形のパスタを使い、マッシュルームとプチトマトを追加して、パスタのパンチェッタ、リーク、マッシュルーム、プチトマト入りベイクを作りました。ホワイトソースにちょっとチーズを足しすぎたみたいで思っていたよりも濃度が濃くなってしまったのが残念、パスタと混ぜるホワイトソースはどろっとしているよりとろっとくらいが好み。

Today’s dinner was Penne with Bacon & Leek from Delia Smith’s recipe, but we used pancetta instead of bacon, shell shaped pasta instead of penne and added mushrooms and petit tomatoes.  I seem to have added a little too much cheese to the white sauce, it was thicker than I wanted.  I like it more runny when it’s used for a pasta bake like this.




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