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今日夫が作ってくれた夕食は、ムサカ。ギリシャ料理ですがレシピはイギリスの Delia Smith の随分昔のものなので多分かなりイギリス風になっているのではないかと思います。ミートソースのようなものと茄子を焼いたものの上にホワイトソースに卵とチーズを混ぜたようなソースをかけてオーブンで焼いたものです。

Dinner my husband made today was Moussaka.  It’s a Greek dish but the recipe is from an old cookery book of Delia Smith, so I’m quite sure it’s English style rather than authentic Greek style.


Talking about English style, when I was in England to learn English all those years ago (more than 30 years ago), “my English Mum” (I was staying with an English family) used to make Moussaka using potato instead of aubergine because she didn’t know what aubergine was, and also she probably couldn’t find them in Exeter.  When I told the story to my husband, he told me that he also used to use potato instead of aubergine because he couldn’t find them where he lived.  My English Mum used to try to cook some very exotic dishes like Moussaka for us foreign students because she always had a few of such students staying with them.  Moussaka wasn’t known in Japan either 30 years ago so my first Moussaka was the one with potato.  It’s quite different but nice in its own way I think.







As there is egg in the white sauce you pour over the filling, it looks fluffy and puffed up when it comes out of the oven.  (My husband took the photo for me.)





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