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Chinese Tea Gathering

最近お友達のご紹介でお知り合いになった方にお宅での中国茶会にお誘いいただき、伺ってきました。お茶を楽しむための素敵なしつらえのテーブルで、たくさん美味しい中国茶をいただきました。今日のお茶は、碧螺春(中国の緑茶で、中国十大銘茶の一つ)、 獅峰龍井茶、(中国で代表される緑茶)、高山烏龍茶、紅水烏龍茶。そして、わたしたちが長居していたので、このあともう1種類烏龍茶を出してくださいました。

Someone a friend of mine introduced me to recently invited me to a Chinese Tea gathering at her home today and we enjoyed various delicious Chinese teas and some homemade sweets.  She made 5 different Chinese teas (2 Chinese green teas and 3 Taiwanese Oolong teas) at a table set beautifully.








I guess the red ones are bats, which are supposed to bring good luck in China and I see them often drawn on Chinese tea goods.



Chinese sponge cake – homemade.  So soft, a little sweet and yummy.


Semi-dried persimmon with cream cheese.


Pear and white jelly fungus compote – homemade.



We enjoyed delicious Chinese tea and handmade desserts and chatting together so much that hours had passed when we looked at the time.   I find not many Japanese invite people to their homes and I really appreciate her invitation!

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