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Cheese Fondue


Usually my husband cooks dinner on Saturdays but we didn’t know what to do as I wasn’t sure if I have enough appetite.  I would feel so bad if my husband put his effort in cooking and I cannot eat.  We talked about it a little while and decided to have cheese fondue.


However, we couldn’t find the usual packet of cheese fondue in 2 supermarkets.  This happens now and again in Singapore, when they run out of something you cannot find it in any supermarket.   So we decided to make it from scratch.


Nearly 30 years ago I tried to make cheese fondue at home from scratch for the first time.   I thought it cannot be so much work, all you do is to melt cheese in wine, but it separated and didn’t work.  When I had it at my Swiss friend’s she used store-bought package so I thought it cannot be that bad, so since then we’ve been using store-bought packaged ones.  They keep for a long time in the fridge so it’s a good fall back.


After searching online, I found out that if you heat up the wine too much then the mixture separates.  Someone was even using Bain Marie.  The key to success seems to be gently heating the wine and adding the shredded cheese, that has been coated with corn starch, little by little while you keep stirring it.  Our cheese fondue pot is Le Crueuset and our IH has very low setting so we just used low heat.  Up to certain point it looked like it was separated but I guess it just needed to be heated up, it did come together nicely in the end.

白ワイン 125ml
エメンタールチーズ 100g
グリエールチーズ 100g
コーンスターチ 大さじ半分

White wine 125ml
Emmental cheese 100g
Gruyere cheese 100g
Corn starch 1/2 Tbsp
Salt, pepper, nutmeg


The amount of corn starch varied a lot in the recipes I looked at, but most used half of Emmental cheese and a half of Gruyere cheese and amount of wine was more or less this ratio.  This came out thicker than store-bought and the texture was a little chewy than runny, maybe I should have added more wine.  The amount was enough today because I didn’t have so much appetite but this probably isn’t enough if I had normal appetite.  So, maybe 200ml wine, 150g Emmental and 150g Gruyere next time?


Also we thought this tasted stronger than store-bought, so if you don’t like strong cheese you should probably use more Emmental than Gruyere.  We liked it strong.

キルシュを入れると更に本格的ですが、シンガポールでキルシュを探してみたら6500円くらいしていて、チーズフォンデューにしか使わないのに勿体無いと思い買わなかったのです。今 Redmart で見てみたら54ドル(4000円ちょっと)くらいであるようなので、買っても良いかな。

It would have been even better with Kirsch but we don’t have any.  I looked for it once but it was more than S$80, which seemed too much just for cheese fondue, but I checked it on redmart and there is one that is about S$54, so maybe we should get one for the next time.








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