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Pork With Zucchini


Yesterday, it was the harvest moon and we saw the beautiful full moon!  I cannot see the moon from where I sit in front of my PC at night but my husband can from where he sits so he reminded me.  I remember he told me it was full moon on the day last month, too.  This time of year, both in Singapore and Hong Kong (and many other places I expect) they sell moon cakes and decorate the China Town and many shopping malls.  As we have no seasons in Singapore, these sort of events are the only way to feel the seasons and realise it’s been a year since you experienced it last time.  We have bought moon cakes in Hong Kong and once or twice here, but personally neither my husband nor I like them very much and we end up throwing them away after eating just one each so we stopped buying them.  I have baked some from the recipe a friend of mine demonstrated to me in Hong Kong (and it wasn’t a traditional recipe, my friend modified it to her liking) and I did like them very much but it seems too much trouble to make on my own just for two of us.  I enjoyed baking them with my friends, though, in Hong Kong.

さて、今日の夕食は、いつも美味しそうなレシピがいっぱいなので度々参考にさせていただいているブログ(ご主人様がイギリス人なので勝手に親近感を感じています)の「ポーク with ズッキーニ」。先月作ってみたらとっても美味しかった(作ったときのレシピも載せています)のですぐまた作りたくなりましたが、思っているよりするすると入ってしまってたくさん食べてしまいますし、ポークとビーフは控えるようにしているのでしばらく我慢していました。日本ではズッキーニはやはり季節にしか売られていないみたいですが、シンガポールには季節はありませんからね。ほとんどのものが1年中手に入ります。ヨーロッパや日本やオーストラリアやアフリカなど色々なところから輸入されて来るので、日本やヨーロッパの冬はオーストラリアが夏だったりするので色々な季節のお野菜が年中買えます。季節がないので「もうすぐあの季節だな」という楽しみはありませんしお野菜も新鮮ではないのが悲しいですが、便利なことは便利です。こちらのズッキーニは大きなのが多いので、1キロの豚肉に対して1本ずつで十分な感じです。

Today’s dinner was “Pork with Zucchini (Courgette)” (Slow cooked pork shoulder with zucchini & peppers) using this recipe of this blog, which has tons of wonderful recipes (but all in Japanese only, I’m afraid).  I made it about a month ago and it was delicious but we are trying not to have beef and pork often so waited for a month before making it again.  It’s surprisingly light so easy to eat a large amount, which isn’t good for us!  In Japan, you can buy zucchini only during the summer, which is it’s season, but here in Singapore we can buy them all year around as there is no such a thing as seasons anyway and vegetables and fruits come from all over the world.  I miss having seasons – waiting for a certain season, eating fresh things is in the season etc – but it is convenient to be able to get anything any time I suppose.  Most zucchinis here are very large so I find 1 of each colour is enough for 1kg of pork. (In fact I didn’t use a whole yellow zucchini because it was far too large).


In Singapore the best place I find to get pork is in wet markets.  What I get from butchers tend to have strong gamy taste and also gets tough when cooked.  When I get pork in a wet market it’s much more tender and there is no strong gamy taste.


Having said all that, this time it didn’t have enough seasoning.  I did follow the same recipe but I’m guessing that the zucchinis were too large and too watery, which made the whole thing too watery.  It was still good but not as good as the last time.


Yesterday’s full moon.

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