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Coconut Dal with Roasted Butternut Squash, Crispy Onions and Naans


Today was our collecting day for “Click & Collect” of our supermarket orders.  As the lockdown started before we bought things like cleaning stuff, spices, tins, pasta etc, we have been ordering quite a lot every week since we started being able to get “click & collect” but we now have most of what we need, so now we aren’t ordering a lot, mostly just food for a week (minus Hello Fresh stuff).


It was a very warm day, actually it was hot for me in the car and the temperature of the thermometer in the car said it was 27C, the highest we’ve had since we moved.  I know it’s been about this temperature for quite a while in Japan but not here.  I must say it worried me what it would be like if we have many hot days in a row in the bedroom as it was too warm for me last night.  I don’t know anyone who has a air-conditioning in England, even hotels and restaurants didn’t used to have it until … 10 years ago?  a little longer maybe?  but we were determined to have one installed in the bedroom before it gets hot as they did have a long summer for the last couple of years here.    However, the lockdown changed everything and I don’t know if we can do that this year, so we bought one of those tall fan units, I’m not sure if it makes enough difference, though.  Hopefully better than nothing.

今日の夕食は、Hello Fresh の「Coconut Dal with Roasted Butternut Squash, Crispy Onions and Naans)。2度目のオーダー。以前オーダーした時はチキンカレーもオーダーして、2日間に渡って2品を一緒にいただいたのですが、今回はダールだけ。小麦粉をつけてカリッと焼いた玉ねぎやローストしたバターナッツスクウォッシュ、パンプキンシードなどをトッピングするので普通のダールよりは良いのですが、わたしは基本、ダールだけだとすぐ飽きてしまいます。そして、ココナッツミルクたっぷりなのでヘビーで、すぐにお腹いっぱいになってしまいました。結構残っているので、明日の夫のランチにします。

Tonight’s dinner was “Coconut Dal with Roasted Butternut Squash, Crispy Onions and Naans”.  This is the 2nd time for us to order this dish.  The last time when we ordered it we also ordered Chicken curry and had both of them (half the quantity each) for 2 evenings.  This dal has toppings like crispy onion, roasted butternut squash and pumpkin seeds, which makes it a little more interesting, but I basically find dal too boring to have on its own.  This one also has so much coconut milk that it’s rather heavy and it filled me up very quickly.  There is still quite a lot left, which will be my husband’s lunch tomorrow.


It came with Naan rather than rice but I prefer rice so I had some with mine.


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