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Christmas Eve


We had a blue sky today until late afternoon.  It’s been very mild for this time of year but it has gone cold and my husband told me it was frosty this morning.  It looks like it’ll be frosty tomorrow and the highest temperature expected is only 4C.  They are forecasting that it’ll be cold in the next one week or so at least.




エメンタール 110g
グリエール 190g
白ワイン 200ml
キルシュ 少し
ニンニク 1かけ
ナツメグ 少量
コーンスターチと水 適量


It’s Christmas Eve today.  In England we have Christmas Dinner on the Christmas day at lunch time.

Today’s dinner was Cheese Fondue.  We found out that we prefer more Gruyere cheese than half with Emmental.  The salad was tomato, onion, celery, apple, pepper & salad leaf salad.

110g Emmental cheese
190g Gruyere cheese
200ml white wine
Some Kirsch
1 garlic clove
Some nutmeg
Some corn starch with water.







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