Christmas Party / Food


Now, it took me forever to decide the menu but after thinking about it for weeks I decided to cook a very simple meal.  I find it awkward to suggest a pot luck this time of year because I know many of my friends are very busy and don’t have time to cook.  One guest offered to bring a home baked tart and I was grateful, though.


I’ve always been nervous before such a gathering but I’m getting worse and worse and sometimes I feel I may have a panic attack when the day gets closer, so I chose a menu that allows me to prepare almost everything on the day before.  Until yesterday I was thinking of serving 3 courses, starting with a small cup of soup, but I found just 2 courses quite filling when I had them with my husband yesterday so decided to stick to just two.

前菜は、Delia Smith の Twice Baked Souflle(2度焼きスフレ)。1度目に焼いたときにすご〜く膨れますが、もちろん冷めていく間にしぼんでしまいます。冷めたものを冷蔵庫に保存して、焼く1時間前に冷蔵庫から出し、食べる30分前に器から取り出してオーブンで再び焼いていただきます。焼きたてのスフレとは違う食感になりますが、それなりに美味しいです。

For the first course I made Delia Smith’s Twice Baked Souffle.  She has a goat cheese version and a blue cheese version but I chose to use Stilton.  The souffle puffs up hugely but of course they shrink as they cool.  You keep them in ramekins in the fridge until an hour before you start cooking them again, and pop them in the oven 30 minutes before you serve.  They don’t have the texture of usual souffle but they are still quite nice.


Yesterday at the dinner test run, I had it without the suggested sauce because I thought that would make it a bit heavy, but I found the texture a little dry so decided to serve it with sauce over – I think it was the right decision.   On a bed of rocket I dotted chopped La France (pear), raisins and pecan nuts. I used honey in the dressing so it goes well with the blue cheese flavour.


The shape of the souffle was a bit crooked but it tasted as I expected.



We had a bottle of pink Champagne one of the guests brought for us.




As the base is white sauce and quite a lot of cheese goes in, this is quite filling – more filling than it looks.  A guest was bringing a fruit tart she baked so I wanted us to have enough room to enjoy that.  I would personally be happy to have half of the size of this souffle myself so I think it was a good thing not to serve another starter.  I feel it takes a courage to serve a small number of courses to be honest, but sometimes necessary.


For the main, I cooked chicken thigh in tomato and olives.  I hadn’t cooked this for quite a long time – but remembered why after I made this.  By some reason, I cannot make it well with the chicken we get here.  Every time I make it here, I overcook it and make it dry.  Well, there is nothing I could do.  It wasn’t horrible but just not so good.  I also cooked rice with carrot, and steam stir-fried Brussels sprouts with garlic.



Here is the cute and delicious fruit tart one of the guests baked.  So good!





The chicken wasn’t great but it wasn’t horrible and noting went really badly.  In fact, the guests left around 6.45 in the evening so they must’ve had a good time, which is the main thing.


When I host such a gathering, I always enjoy it on the day once the guests arrive, but until then I get all nervous, more so in the last few years than before.  Once the guests start arriving, I feel much calmer, enjoy being with them while they are here, and feel so good afterwards as well.  I just don’t enjoy that feeling for about a week before the gathering.  I’m entertaining less and less these days, maybe that’s why I get more and more nervous.


Anyway, I think my guests had a good time getting to know each other and I had a great time.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Thank you for sharing your Christmas menu. The table setting looks beautiful. You are right about showing restraint with the food. This season we often eat far too much and having a good amount instead of too much food is something I would appreciate as a guest.

    This post would make a great addition to Our Growing Edge, a link up just for new food adventures. It’s a fun way to share your new food experiences and flavours with other foodies. This month’s theme is FESTIVE FEEDS.

    More info including how to submit your link here:

    1. spiceynoodle says:

      Thank you very much for your comment!

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