Moroccan Chicken and Couscous (Thermomix TM6)

昨日の夕食は、またまた夫が Cookidoo のレシピ、「モロッコ風チキンとクスクス」」でした。ボールの中に玉ねぎ、ニンニクを入れてガーっとした後、スパイス(ガラムマサラ、ターメリック)を加えてしばらくソテー、その後お水、オリーブ、チキンストックの素、レモンの皮、レモン汁を加えてゆっくり煮ながらその上に専用の蒸し器をのせてクスクスとスパイスをまぶしたチキンを2段にして蒸して、最後に一緒にする、という調理法でした。

Yesterday’s dinner was “Moroccan Chicken and Couscous” from Cookidoo, my husband chose the recipe and we cooked it in the Thermomix.  What you do is to put onion and garlic in the bowl, process it to make it minced, then add spices (garam masala & turmeric) and let it sautee, then add water, olives, chicken stock pot, lemon zest, lemon juice, let it cook slowly whilst at the same time you put couscous on one layer and chicken covered with spices on another layer on the steamer above the bowl and let them steam by the water from the cooking sauce.  When it’s done you mix them all.


Although only 2 spices are used, as garam masala is a mixture of many spices, it had very good flavour.  We used chicken thigh and it was steamed so the chicken was very tender and delicious.  As my husband chose the recipe and I hadn’t seen the photo of the dish, I’d imagined something in some sort of sauce, but it was almost dry.  It did taste good anyway.


The only thing is that other than onion in the sauce it’s all chicken, no vegetables.  We should have made something like Moroccan salad to go with it.


Oh, I forgot to mention that we had some left-over gazpacho from the night before so had it in small glasses.


Some of the chicken was left so we added it to the curry we made today for dinner.  Almost everything left-over becomes curry in our household.







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