Christmas Tree 2023


About 12 hours after the gardening, my back is still OK but I can feel my legs aching, I guess they’ll be painful tomorrow morning.  Still, muscle ache will be gone in a few days, it’s OK as long as my back is OK.  Last year this time I did too much in the garden and had a very bad back so I’m being careful.


Now, we finally decorated our Christmas tree.  The thing is, as I wrote when we bought the tree, the branches start from quite a high position and we thought wrapping a cloth around the bottom probably would not work and so ordered a tree ring made of rattan. It was supposed to arrive in 3 or 4 days but it took more than a week.  Yesterday, we started to feel very worried and thought maybe we should give up with the tree ring this year and try to make it work by wrapping a cloth around the bottom, but then I had a message saying it was going to arrive today.  Then today around the lunch time I received another message saying it was going to be delivered tomorrow.  We were very disappointed, of course, but after all it did arrive in the evening.  We usually decorate our tree together earlier in the day, but it’s already the 21st so we decided to just go ahead and decorate it in the evening.


My husband had put the lights on very soon after we bought the tree, I quite like it like this and thought maybe we could leave it without decorations.  It looks dark on the photo but in reality it has a lot of lights and is quite bright.




We did decorate it though.  This year, the theme is white and silver.  The tree has a very good shape and the branches are very firm so it was easier to decorate than many of our previous trees.  The decorations take a lot of room in our storage area as I change the the colour theme every year, but we really like the white and silver – maybe we’ll take all the others to a charity shop and have the same colours every year from now on.  We love the tree this year.



Various tree decorations – I didn’t take photos of all.







In England, traditionally, it’s not a star but an angel to decorate the top of the tree.





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