Sandwiches For Lunch At La Pattiserie

ストックしていたバゲットがきれてしまったので、いつものショーラムの「La Patisserie」に行って来ました。サンドイッチも美味しいのでいつもランチにサンドイッチを食べて、バゲットやケーキなど買って来ます。買ってきたバゲットは適当な長さに切って冷凍して、普通のオーブンなら霧吹きでお水を全体に軽くかけてからオーブンで焼くと焼きたての美味しさになります。霧吹きしないと乾燥しすぎるので要注意。

As we had used up all the baguette bread that we had in the freezer, we went to La Patisserie in Shoreham for a top up.  As their sandwiches are very nice, we usually have these for lunch before buying some baguettes and cakes.  We cut each  baguette in 2 or 3 and put them in the freezer. When we want to have some bread with a dinner we spray it with water and bake it in the oven – it is really good that way. If you don’t spray water it gets too dry.


My husband phoned them about 8:00 this morning and asked them to keep 3 baguettes for us, and they only had 3 left already!  We wanted just 3 so it was fine but if he’d called them later we may not have been able to get any.




The weather was relatively good today, but it has gone colder. Shoreham is near the sea so it was quite windy and cold there.  It’ll get even colder tomorrow and will be around 0C at the lowest and around 5C highest from tomorrow for about a week.  When I checked the forecast yesterday, there was a cloud with a sun mark for tomorrow, but today it changed to a rain mark.


I did just a little gardening, then put the Christmas decorations away.  My husband kindly did most, he took all the tree decorations off , got the tree outside, and collected all the decorations from the rooms. I just had to deal with 2 wreaths.  My husband feels a bit sad to put the decorations away but I feel the rooms look more tidy so I’m happy.  I do enjoy them when we put them around the house because they make us feel Christmassy, but once we put them away I feel “Phew!  Nice and tidy now!”




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