Handmade Pasta / Stringozzi with Norcina Sauce

今日の夕食は、夫と共同作業。ウンブリアでB&Bを経営されお料理教室を開催されているお友達 Letizia Mattiacci さんが昨年出版されたお料理本「A KITCHEN WITH A VIEW」にも載っているウンブリアのパスタ Stringozzi を作りました。本来は卵は入らず小麦粉と水だけで作るパスタですが卵が入らないとすぐに茹ですぎてしまうのでそうならないようにと安全策として Letizia さんは500gの小麦粉に対して卵を1個だけ使うように書かれています。(今日は400gの粉に卵1個。300〜500gに1個程度とのこと。)日本の讃岐うどんに似たしこしことした歯ごたえの太めのパスタです。Letiziaさんに初めてお目にかかったのがお料理教室で、そのときに教えていただいたのもこのStringozziでした。

My husband and I worked together for the dinner today.  We decide to make Stringozzi from “A KITCHEN WITH A VIEW“, which is a cookbook written by our friend in Italy who runs a B & B and cooking classes.  Stringozzi is a type of peasant pasta, traditionally made in Central Italy, also called Pici.  They are made traditionally with no egg but Letizia uses a small proportion of egg to reinforce the pasta to prevent disaster as they can overcook easily.  We used 1 egg for 400g of flour.  It has a sort of chewy texture like Japanese Sanuki Udon.  Stringozzi is one of the things we learned at her cooking class, where we met her for the first time about 7 years ago.


As we used a food processor to make the dough and our pasta machine to roll out the dough, it took us no time to make the finished pasta.



For the sauce, we chose “Norcina”, which is from a town famous for its extravagant butcher shops (we’ve been there a few years ago).  The recipe uses Italian sausages, onion, cream, white wine, Pecorina cheese and truffle paste (optional).  We couldn’t get Italian sausages so we used English Pork Sausages with Garlic – and added some more fresh garlic, too, and also some truffle paste.  The sausages didn’t have very strong taste and weren’t very salty so I needed to add some salt; I think it would have tasted much stronger with Italian sausages.  It does have cream, Pecorino cheese and truffle so it’s quite a rich sauce.

We were quite pleased with the result.  The pasta had good texture and the sauce was very tasty.  Next time, if we cannot get Italian Sausage, we will add more fresh garlic.






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