Indian Take Away Equivalent

今日のディナーは、Marks & Spencers のインド料理を温めただけ。ロックダウン以来、ごくごくたまにスーパーのサンドイッチのランチにしたり、プラウマンと呼んで買ったものを切って並べるだけ、ということもしていますが、ほとんど毎日自分たちで食事を作る日々。ロックダウン前はどこに住んでいても週に1度は夜外食をしていましたし、土曜日のランチも大抵外食をしていましたので、これだけ長期に渡って毎日家で食べるのは結婚して以来初めてのこと。多分、「うちもそう!」とおっしゃる方も多いのではと思います。

Today’s dinner was an Indian meal from Marks & Spencers, all we did was to warm them up.  Since lockdown, we have occasionally bought sandwiches for lunch or made Ploughman’s lunch or dinner, but otherwise have been cooking every day without going out or having a take away or deliveries.  Before lockdown we always ate out at least once a week for dinner, as well as most Saturday lunches, so this is the first time for us to cook every day since we got married. I guess there are many people who are in the same situation.

イギリスにはインドからの移住者が多いのでインド料理は美味しいところが多く、インド料理店からのテイクアウトも浸透しています。わたしたちもコテージを借りて過ごすホリデーの時などによく利用します。今はレストランはまだ出来るだけ行かない方が良いかなと思っているので、Marks & Spencers のレディーメイドのインド料理をオーダーしていたのが今日届いたので、今日のディナーに使いました。

As there are a lot of immigrants from India in England, many Indian restaurants serve good food and Indian take-aways are something many people do, we also sometimes get take-aways from Indian restaurants when we are renting a self-catering cottage.  Today was a delivery day of Ocado, including the M&S Indian ready meals that we’d ordered, so that was what we had for dinner.


Samosas, Bombay Potato, Hot Chicken Tikka Masala & Naan, to which we added Basmati rice that I cooked.  We didn’t like the samosas very much but enjoyed the rest.









The number of people infected by Coronavirus has begun increasing again suddenly in the last few days so we were worried about it, and today it’s been announced by the government that they are going to make the restriction of lockdown more strict from Monday.  There have been quite a few places in Europe that have been having a 2nd wave; it is very worrying.


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