Ploughman’s Lunch


I was saying how cold it was, then the weather changed again and it’s been relatively warm yesterday and today and my husband is taking the advantage of the sun reading in the garden.  At the moment, it is forecasted to be good weather for another week and will be warmer early next week.



As I ordered a few things that we could use on a Ploughman’s board from Ocado, we had Ploughman’s lunch today.  We decided to have wine as well as it’s a type of a meal that calls for wine.  As it looked quite a large portion with lots of bits and pieces, we decided to take our time and enjoy the lunch as the main meal and have something simple and light in the evening today.

ソーセージロール、フランスのサラミ(1本丸ごと買ったもの、やはりスライスしたパックより美味しい)、キュウリ、トマト、ミニポークパイ、チョリソ、アボカド、チーズ3種類、無花果、ロケット、ロケットの向こうで見えないところにンドゥイヤ。この後無花果とパンを追加して、ゆっくりランチを楽しみました。(ンドゥイヤというのはイタリアのカラブリアの辛いペースト状のソーセージ。シンガポールの No Menu というイタリアンレストランで何度か出していただいておいしかったので、シチリアのお肉屋さんの手作りのものの瓶詰めを買ってみたら辛いばかりで旨味がなくて美味しくなくて食べられなかったという思い出があります。今回、Ocado で見つけて、多分美味しくないんだろうなと思いながら買って見たのですが、結構美味しい!すごく辛いですけど。)

Sausage rolls, French salami (we bought a whole one, it’s much better than sliced and packed ones), cucumber, tomato, mini pork pie, chorizo, avocado, 3 cheeses, fig and rocket leaves and Nduja (it’s not shown on the photos hidden by the rocket).  After this we added another fig and more bread.  We enjoyed it very much.  Nduja is very spicy paste-like salami from Calabria in Italy.  An Italian restaurant “No Menu” in Singapore used to serve it to us before the starters and we liked it, but when we bought one in a jar from a butcher in Sicily it wasn’t good at all – just spicy without tasting of anything much.  So when I found it on Ocado I was sceptical – but it is actually quite nice, very spicy but has good flavour as well.









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