Sausage Pasta Bake (Jamie Oliver)


It was raining or cloudy all day today again, the sun never came out.  We had no reason we had to go out so I spent most of the day in my craft room enjoying what I enjoy.  A lot of English people go out for a walk when they have time even when the weather isn’t great but I never feel like going out unless the weather is good.  It’s still quite cold here, too.  The weather forecast is showing some sunny days in the second half of this month, I hope they are right.


My husband cooked the dinner today without me helping!!  He cooked  Jamie Oliver’s “Sausage Pasta Bake” using the sausages we bought just in case before Christmas and froze.  You make ‘meatballs’ using the sausage meat, make tomato sauce, put them together with cooked pasta, top with a mixture of breadcrumbs, cheese and garlic and bake it.  It was very good.






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