Devon Trip Day 4 / Dunster

旅行記はこれから4日目の昨日のことを書くのですが、今はもう家に戻っています。借りていたコテージは10時までに出なくてはいけなかったので10時少し前に家を出て、エクセターのお友達のお家にカードを持って行き(ドアに郵便物を入れるところがあるので、そこから入れました)、Poole でランチをして(少し遠回り)3時過ぎに家に着きました。今朝は良く雨が降っていましたが、お昼頃には上がって今は風が強くて寒いですが良いお天気になっています。

I’m just going to write about the 4th day of our Devon Trip, but we are actually already home.  We had to get out of the rental cottage before 10:00am so we left there a little before 10:00am, stopped at a friend’s house in Exeter (just to push a card through the letterbox), had lunch in a pub near Poole, and got back home a little after 3:00pm.  It was raining quite heavily at one point this morning, but it stopped around lunch time and is now quite sunny although cold with quite a strong wind.

さて、昨日が旅行の4日目、デボンでの最後の日だったのですが、朝は結構良いお天気でしたがお昼前から雨が降りました。強く降ったり弱まったり、という感じの1日。午後から大昔に行って以来だった Dunster という街に行きました。コテージから1時間半ほどかかります。この街は、わたしが若い頃にホームステイをさせていただいたホストファミリーのお父さん(随分前に亡くなってしまいました)が生まれ育った場所で、お2人と一緒に行ったこともあり、わたしたちににとってちょっと特別な場所でもあります。お城がある古い街で、とても素敵です。

So, yesterday was the 4th and the last day of our stay in Devon.  It was sunny in the morning but started to rain a little before lunch time, it rained sometimes very heavily, sometimes lightly, until early evening.  In the afternoon, we went to Dunster, which takes about an hour and a half from the cottage we were staying at.  Dunster is where my ‘English Dad’ (the father of the host family I stayed with when I was young, he passed away many years ago) was born and brought up and we’d been there with them once so it is a little special place to us.  It’s an old town with a castle.








The pub my husband had chosen to have lunch at was closed (we were told it had closed down after Christmas), so we just went into a cafe without a clue if it was going to be good or not. The one we chose was called “Cobblestones”.


Although of course you can eat tasty foods in England, if you don’t do any research and just go in anywhere, the possibility of it being good is very low in my opinion, so I don’t expect much.  I always try to choose something from the menu that isn’t easy to mess up too much but I still often get something I cannot eat.  My husband chose Beef Burger and I chose Vegetable Burger here.  As I say I was prepared to have something that is “so-so” at the best, but it was actually very good!  There were 2 vegetable patties in the bun, which is too much for me, so I took one out but it was tasty.  The onion rings and chips were also excellent, not greasy at all, very crispy.  If it were in a cafe in Japan I wouldn’t have given any thought to this but here in England it was such a pleasant surprise.  As I say, this does happen now and again here.





ランチが終わっても雨がやまなかったので、街歩きもせず、お城にも行かず。今日、戻ってくる前に月曜日に行ったわたしの「イギリスのお母さん」に会いにエクセターに行く予定でしたが、予定を変更して、昨日 Dunster から寄り、1時間半ほどおしゃべりしてお別れしました。ご病気があるのですが、長時間普通におしゃべりも出来る状態で良かったです。もっと近ければもっと頻繁に行けるのですが、日帰りで行ける距離ではないので度々顔を出すことは出来ないのが残念です。

It was still raining after lunch so we didn’t stay long in Dunster, we left for Exeter to see my “English Mum”.  We were at first planning to see her again today before coming home but we changed our plan and visited her yesterday after leaving Dunster.  We spent an hour and a half or so with her yesterday.  Although she isn’t well, she was able to chat for that long without looking too tired, so that was great.  If we’d lived closer we could visit her more often but it’s too far for us to go for a day so we cannot see her so often.  Hope we can see her again sometime before too long.





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