Left-Over Lunch & Staying With Friends

今日のランチは、昨日の夕食の「クリーミーな茄子のカレー」をご飯と。少し前にオンラインでオーダーしたラーメン用の器で、丼風。昨日よりあったかも、と思う量ありました。Hello Fresh のキットは1食で食べきってしまうこともありますが、翌日のランチ分あることが多いです。

Our lunch today is last night’s left-over “Creamy Aubergine Curry” – but with rice today.  I used a large bowl meant to be for Ramen noodles that I ordered online and we had it like a Donburi.  Now and again we eat everything we cook for dinner in one meal but more often than not we have enough left-over for lunch on the following day when we use Hello Fresh kits.






We are going to meet our friends cat “Bateman’s” (a National Trust property) and then going on from there to their house to stay overnight as they kindly invited us.  They are my husband’s friend from University and her husband.  They’ve been very kind and supportive through our move and sent me a message saying not to worry about anything because they will give us full support.  It was the time when I was feeling a little down and worried about the whole move so their message meant a lot to me.  We’ve met them before and after our move somewhere in between our two houses for lunches.  They live a couple of hours away from us so it is more relaxing if we can stay overnight rather than taking a day trip to their house.  We’d love them to come and stay with us, too, but there is no guest bedroom yet (as we are sleeping there), so it’ll have to be after the renovation is completed.


The weather was a little worrying but at the moment it looks nice enough with some bits of blue sky and some little birds are happily chirping in our back garden.  (Well, 10 minutes later, it’s already gone very grey again.  Sad…)



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