Pork & Apple Burger (with Rosemary Wedges and Rocket Salad)


The temperature is back to a nice and comfortable (if a little chilly) temperature, Max 22C.  In some areas they had very heavy rain but we didn’t get any – but as I’m writing this blog post it has just started to rain quite heavily.

今日の夕食は、「Pork & Apple Burger (with Rosemary Wedges and Rocket Salad)」(ポークと林檎のバーガー、ローズマリー風味のオーブンポテトとロケットサラダ添え)でした。林檎を荒くすり下ろしたものとパン粉と塩胡椒をしたポークのミンチをバーガーにして、ポテトにはローズマリーとオリーブオイル、塩胡椒してオーブンで焼き、ロケット(トマトも足しました)は蜂蜜、塩胡椒、レモン汁、オリーブオイルをかけるだけ。バーガーはフライパンで焼いてチーズをのせて蓋をしてチーズを溶かして出来上がりですが、玉ねぎを炒めたものを足しました。バンズはトースターで焼いて(レシピではオーブンで温めるとありますが、わたしは焼いた方が好き)りんごとセージジャムをのせて、バーガーをのせますが、いただいて見たところ少しポークの臭みが気になったので(Hello Freshのお肉は臭みが気になることは余りないのですが)、臭み消しにケチャップをのせました。

Today’s dinner was “Pork & Apple Burger (with Rosemary Wedges and Rocket Salad) ” from Hello Fresh.  The pork & apple burgers were made with minced pork, grated apple, panko, salt & pepper – they were pan fried slowly then covered with cheese then cooked with the lid on until cheese was melted.  Potato wedges were cooked in the oven with some salt, pepper, olive oil and rosemary.  Rocket salad (and we added tomatoes) was just dressed with lemon juice, olive oil, honey, salt & pepper.  We also added some sautéed onion to the burger.  The recipe tells you to put the buns in the oven to warm them up but I find that quite drying, so we put them in the toaster to brown them a little.  You put some apple & sage jelly on the bottom of the buns, put the burger on and it’s done.  It was good except that I found the pork a little gamy (which is unusual with the meats from Hello Fresh) so we used some ketchup as well.









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