Kissabel Apple

イギリスのりんご、日本のに比べて半分くらいの大きさのものが多く、あまり甘くありません。もともとりんごは食べたいと思うフルーツではないのですが、イギリスでは冬のフルーツは少ないので結構買っています。サラダ入れるには良いですが、甘くないのでデザートに食べるのにはちょっと物足りないんですよね。そして、これまで試したものはカスカスしているか、すごく固いか。Pink Ladyがこれまで試した中では甘めかな、と思います。

Apples in England are about half the size of Japanese ones and they aren’t very sweet.  Apples aren’t what I usually crave for anyway, but there aren’t many fruits in winter here so I’ve been buying them.  They are good for salads but not sweet enough for a dessert for me.  They are also either too soft and dry or extremely crunchy.  So far I like Pink Lady the best.

少し前からインスタで時々見かけている、Kissabel (Kissableを捩ったものかと思います)というりんご、少し前に探した時は使っているオンラインスーパーでは取り扱っていなかったのですが、最近もう一度調べたら扱っていたので買ってみました。中が赤くて甘いらしい。

I’ve been seeing these apples called “Kissabel” on Instagram and have been wanting to try them but they weren’t sold in the online supermarket we use when I checked.  I tried again the other day and found them (I guess they are slower than in London), so I ordered some.  Apparently they are red inside.





Well, they are slightly red but not as much as I saw on Instagram and they are quite sour rather than sweet, but they seem to have more flavour.  The hardness is also similar to a typical apple in Japan (although there are many different types), something between soft and very crunchy.  I wonder if they aren’t ripe yet, so I’ll keep them for a few days and see if they get more red and more sweet.




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