Delayed Birthday Trip (The Cotswolds) / 4th Day / Gardening Course (How to Grow your own Cut Flowers)

お誕生日のお祝い旅行の最終日は、2日目と同じく、わたしは予定通り10時から3時半頃まで Sarah Raven さんのガーデニングコース(この日のテーマは、「切花用のお花の育て方」でした)を受けました。夫は、前日パンクしてしまった車のヘルプ待ちをして係の方と話しをし、係の方が持ってきてくださったタイヤは合わなかったそうで、タイヤを持ってきてつけかえてもらうための手配をしたりで、午前中はほとんど参加出来ず。高い授業料なので残念でしたが、仕方ありません。

On the 4th day of my birthday trip, I attended Sarah Raven’s gardening course again. This time the theme was “How to Grow your own Cut Flowers”.  However, my husband was not able to attend much in the morning because he had to wait for the help from the AA for the tyre of our car (the emergency wheel that the help guy brought didn’t fit so they had to find someone else who could come with the right tyre).  It was a shame because the course was quite expensive but it was more important to have the car repaired.


Incidentally, we’ve had a few of gardening lectures so far this year but found that 90% or more of the attendees are female.  I’m sure many guys also do gardening but I’m guessing that most people feel it’s a waste for both of them to attend.  In our case, I’d rather for both, I don’t want to have all the responsibilities of gardening myself and we can hopefully remember more things between us.



Again, lunch was included and fortunately our car was fixed before lunch so my husband was able to have it with me.  On both days (on Tuesday and Thursday), the choices for the main were only 2 and the vegetarian choice for both days was risotto (though they were different risottos).  I find it so boring that you often have to have risotto or mushrooms (or both together) when you want to have a vegetarian meal. There are so many other things you can cook!


My husband had Venison Ragu with pasta, which he said was quite good although the pasta was very al dente.


I cannot eat venison so I had the risotto – which was with artichoke.


There was no choices for the dessert, it was Custard Tart this day.


The display at the room for the lecture was the same as on Tuesday.   They had lots of plant seeds in the lecture room as well as a separate room full of things like vases, fake flowers, bulbs etc that you could buy.


These were the seeds mentioned in the course this day.




The flower arrangement demonstration by Arthur this day was nearly the same as the one on Tuesday but there were 2 plants ( 1 fake) that were not used in the earlier display.




One was something interesting, agapanthus – not the flowers, but the seed heads.  Just the other day I saw many of these in a garden somewhere and I found them very interesting looking.




It finished around 3:30pm, and we left as soon as it finished and drove back home.

Sarah Raven さんはとても人気のガーデナーさんで、周りの方達もほとんどの方がご存知ですし、こういうコースも結構すぐに満席になってしまいます。お話もお上手ですし、小さなお庭でも参考になることがたくさんあるお話でした。こういう場で聞けば聞くほど、ガーデニングに必要な知識が多過ぎて十分な知識を持つのはなかなか難しいと感じますが、色々な場で少しずつでも知識を増やして行ければと思います。

Sarah Raven is very popular, most people around us know her and these sort of gardening courses run by her get booked up quite quickly.  She can engage you by her talk very well, and I feel there were quite a lot of tips that we picked up even for a small garden like ours.  The more we hear gardeners talk the more we realise how much knowledge you need to do gardening and it’s not possible for us to get the knowledge we need in a short time. We just have to keep trying to absorb as much as we can from these lectures, You Tubes, books etc.

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