Chicken Breast With Horseradish & Cream Sauce

今日の夕食は、以前香港で泊めていただいていたイギリス人のお友達が作ってくれた『チキンの胸肉、ホースラディッシュ味のクリームソース』。ソースがマッシュポテトととっても良く合って、とてもおいしいのです。元のレシピは、Women’s Weekly Magazineの『100 Fast Fillet』。チキンの胸肉は焼かずに茹でています。

I thought we haven’t been eating much chicken so I cooked Chicken Breast with Horseradish & Cream Sauce – it’s from one of the Australian Women’s Weekly Magazine Cookbooks (100 Fast Fillet). The friend I used to stay with in Hong Kong cooked it for dinner one evening and I really liked it. She served the chicken on a bed of mashed potato and the sauce was so good with the mash.  I follow the recipe mostly except that I don’t grill chicken, I poach it.


I serve the chicken on a bed of mashed potato and pour the sauce.  It’s a cream sauce but it’s not heavy, I guess because of the acidity of lemon juice and horseradish.  The dill also goes very well.  I served it with carrot and broccoli.




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