Anova (Low Temperature Cooking Gadget) And Cooking Steak With It


I fell on the ground very harshly today, twisted my right ankle, banged on my knees and also my left rib.  Fortunately, so far, I think it’s just a twisted ankle and bruised knees and rib, but it could have been so much worse and scares me to think what could have happened.  I could have landed on my head or face or broken some bones.  I must be more careful…


さて、先日、新しいキッチングッズを購入しました。以前から気になっていた低温調理機、場所もとるし高価だからと買うつもりはなかったのですが、最近手軽に使えてあまり高くないものが出ているとわかり、夫に見せたら夫が超乗り気でネットでポチッとしてしまいました。購入したのは、Anova というスティック状の低温調理機。勝手に想像していたよりも大きくて重いものでした。ちなみに、先日ランチをご一緒したときにお話ししたお友達も購入されたとのこと、情報交換が楽しみです。

We bought a new kitchen gadget the other day on the internet and have been looking forward to using it today.  It’s a low temperature cooking equipment called Anova which does sous-vide. I knew that lots of restaurants use low temperature cooking equipments but thought they were large and expensive, and then I found out about Anova, which is small and inexpensive, some months ago.  I showed the page of the equipment to my husband, who was as much or more enthusiastic about it than me and we ordered it last week.

It is larger and heavier than we were sort of imagining.  (Incidentally I told about it to some friends and one of them also ordered, so we can exchange our information in the future.)





お鍋にお湯を入れてAnovaを入れて固定し、温度を設定し、お湯がその温度になったらお肉などをジップロックのようなものに入れて空気を抜いて水が入らないようにお鍋にクリップで止め、調理するものがお湯に浸かっていることだけ気をつけるだけで調理が出来るというもの。美味しく出来る代表的なものがステーキのようです。わたしたちも最初はやっぱりステーキよね、と Huber’s でUSのドライエイジングのリブアイを買ってきて早速使ってみました。色々レシピを検索して、最終的には、塩胡椒をしてからジップロックに入れてニンニクのスライスとオリーブオイルを加えて、約1時間。(設定されている温度より上がることはないので、もっと長く入れておいても火が通り過ぎることはあまりないそうです。)

All you do is to put water in a pan, set the Anova on, set the temperature, then when the water comes to the right temperature you submerge what you are going to cook –   after putting it in something like a ziploc bag and getting rid of the air – and clip the bag on top of the pan so it doesn’t move around.  Steak seems the thing to cook with this, so that’s what we cooked tonight.  After reading many recipes, we seasoned the beef (dry aged grass fed US Ribeye from Huber’s), put it in a ziploc, added some slices of garlic and olive oil and cooked it at 129F for an hour.  (Apparently it doesn’t matter if you leave it in longer for sometime because the temperature is controlled so it doesn’t get over cooked easily.)




Then after that you take it out then grill or fry or whatever to colour the outside.  We floured them because I read it’ll make it colour well and make it crispy and it did, but while it was rested it got soggy again so I think we won’t use flour next time.  We just used olive oil to colour the outside in a frying pan.  While we let it rest, my husband made a sauce by pouring some red wine in the same pan, letting it reduce, adding some pink peppercorns and cream.


We were quite worried about being disappointed because of the high hopes we had, but we were not disappointed, it was delicious.  The best steak we’ve ever had – at least outside Japan.  It was relatively thin (about 2cm thick) so we might’ve overcooked it a little while we were colouring the outside, but it was still pink inside, very tender, flavoured well with garlic.  No gameyness at all but full of flavour!  A great success.


I should have taken photos before grilling, before putting the sauce over and after cutting the steak.  Next time.



Side dishes were broccolini and Potato Dauphinoise.  We used a small Staub for Dauphinoise.  Slices of onion and potato layered with seasoning after each layer, milk & cream poured in, some dots of butter, then warmed up to almost boiling point before baking in the oven at 180C for 20 minutes or so.  This is before warming up the milk and cream.



食後のチーズ。今日は、Huber’s で買った「ブルー・シュロプシャー」と、前回参加したチーズ教室で習った「トム・ド・サヴォワ」。どちらも美味しかったです。

After that, we had 2 cheeses.  One was Blue Shropshire and the other was Tomme de Savoie (that I liked when I tried at the last Cheese Appreciation Class) that we bought at Huber’s today.





I’m happy that this new gadget worked well and the steak was delicious!







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