Dutch Baby


Many years ago there was a time when Dutch Baby was all the rage in Japan, but a long time before that, probably more than 20 years ago as we were still in Japan, I remember making Dutch Baby from Martha Stuwart’s recipe that I found in a magazine.  Although I loved it, you need to bake one by one (as I didn’t have a right pan for 2) so that was the only time I made it.  You can find the recipe online if you search.

少し前に今は東京でお料理教室をされているお友達がダッチ・ベイビーのレシピとお写真を送ってきてくださったので、久しぶりに作ってみたいと思っていました。でも、レシピがそのまま使えそうなオーブンに入れられるスキレットがないので、そのうちそういうものを手に入れたらと思っていましたが、この間 Toad In The Hole を作った時に、このフライパンで作れば良いんだ、と思ったので、今日作って見たという次第。ヨークシャープディングとダッチ・ベイビーは材料も作り方もとても良く似ているのです。どちらも基本の材料は粉、卵、塩、牛乳。割合は色々あるので、お好みで多少アレンジ出来るのだと思いますし、バニラを足したりレモンの皮を足したりのアレンジも良さそうです。お友達のレシピは卵が多めで、お砂糖が入りました。

A week or so ago, a friend of mine, who is running cooking classes in Tokyo, sent me her recipe of Dutch Baby and a photo, so I’ve been wanting to try it.  We don’t have the right size skillet so I thought I’d have to wait until we have one, but I realised I could use the frying pan we used for Toad In The Hole so I wanted to try it today.  Dutch Baby is very similar to Yorkshire Pudding both in terms of the ingredients and the method.  Basically the ingredients for both are flour, egg, salt and milk – although the ratio can vary depending on how you like it.  You can also add things like vanila or lemon rind or spice.  This friend’s recipe uses more eggs than some and also some sugar.


Baking time in the oven is 15 minutes at 220C, then 4 minutes at 150C, but it had raised a lot and was looking quite dark in 10 minutes so at that point I reduced the temperature and baked for a further 4 minutes – so 5 minutes less at 220C.  Our oven gets hottest at the front right area so that’s where it was raised most.  It did deflate a little when I was cutting it, so maybe I should have baked a little longer with 200C at first.


I love Maple Syrup so we had it with Maple Syrup, it was very good.  There was enough for 4 people but we ended up eating all of it as we didn’t think it would be good  tomorrow, but it was too much, I felt too full…  I wish we had the right size pan.









While I prepared this, my husband was sitting in the garden getting very cold, it does cool down a lot and gets quite chilly later at night.

This photo was taken around 9.00pm, days are getting so long.



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