

Yesterday after dinner I was sitting at my PC at the small table in the corner of the dining room (until our garage is converted to my craft room / study this is my desk) and typing my blog or something and saw something out of the corner of my eye outside the glass doors which looked like a hedgehog.  At At first I thought it was a cat because I had seen one before in the middle of the night (one of our neighbours has a cat), but the shape and the way it was moving looked different and I guessed it was a hedgehog. One of our neighbours had mentioned that there is one in the neighbourhood and that it sometimes comes into our garden.  I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my phone and went outside (the door to the garden was still open) and tried to catch it in a photo or a video, but when I turned the corner I saw it going under the gate to the front garden.  I followed it but it probably went behind the roses or other plants and I couldn’t see it, so I gave up quickly.


Hedgehogs are nocturnal and apparently they walk a long distance in the neighbourhood from the evening until early in the morning finding food and they tend to go to the same place around the same time, so I was looking out hoping it’ll appear around 9.30pm, the same time I saw it yesterday – and it came!  I ran out (as quietly as I could) with my phone and found it under a plant along the back wall of the house. It looked like it was trying to play dead, didn’t move at all.  I hope I didn’t scare it too much.


In England hedgehogs are protected and it is encouraged to put a hedgehog house and food for them in our gardens. We do have a hedgehog house and we leave some food (my husband does when he remembers to).  I was sort of keeping an eye on the hedgehog house but it didn’t look like it went there or came out of it, but then I saw it all of a sudden right near me, it came from nowhere.


I edited the photo to make it brighter but it was actually quite dark.  The sunset is at 9.14 here, all there is is a little light from the dining room.  Hope it’ll visit us again tomorrow.








So cute….


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  1. 愛されている妻 says:


    1. Noodle says:



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