Spanish Chicken With Butter Beans, Chorizo And Tomatoes


It’s been very sunny for the last few days, but the temperature is back to winter.  It’s 3C right now and will go down to 0C tonight, and minus 2 tomorrow.  It’s warm inside and bright outside and it’s still light when we start cooking so it doesn’t feel like winter any longer, though.  The sunset was at 7.43pm today.

今日のディナーは、Delia Smith の「Spanish Chicken With Butter Beans, Chorizo And Tomatoes」(スペイン風チキンのバタービーンズ、チョリソー、トマト煮)でした。ポークのスペイン風煮込みは夫の得意料理で良く食べていますが、チキンのスペイン風は初めて。チキンの胸肉の外側だけ焼き付けて取り出して、玉ねぎ、リーク、セロリ、にんじんのみじん切りを炒め、チョリソーを加えて炒め、にんにく、缶トマト、スープストック、パプリカを加えて30分煮込みます。ポークのスペイン風煮込みはソースはトマトソース風にしっかりとろみがつきますが、これは具沢山のスープっぽい状態です。お口直し程度に少しだけ、フェンネルとオレンジのサラダを添えました。

Today’s dinner was Delia Smith’s “Spanish Chicken With Butter Beans, Chorizo and Tomatoes”.  We often have Spanish Pork as it’s one of my husband’s repertoire but we hadn’t tried this recipe before.  Spanish Pork makes very thick tomatoey sauce but this one is more like soup with lots of vegetables.  We had it with a small salad of fennel and orange, which went well.


Incidentally, the plates used for the salad are Japanese pottery I bought many years ago in Kobe, they are supposed to be for fried eggs.  I set the table but my husband chose the dishes for the salad, I wasn’t sure if they looked OK but thought maybe they look nice.  We don’t have a lot of opportunities to use them so it’s good to use them when we can.  Although we have been cooking together in England, I often choose a menu that I cook without reading a recipe so my husband would often set the table while I’m cooking.  Sometimes he would use a combination that I myself wouldn’t, but I think he is quite good at it now.  It’s only for two of us so we don’t need to be too rigid.







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