French Patisserie Lesson ( via Zoom) / Forêt Noir & Cake à l’orange

今日参加した今月のフランス菓子教室(Ecole de Patisserie chez Haru)のズームによるレッスンで教えていただいたのは、

  • Forêt Noir (フォレ・ノアール)(黒い森)
  • Cake à l’orange (オレンジのケーキ)

The cakes I baked through the Zoom lesson of Ecole de Patisserie chez Haru were these two.

  • Forêt Noir (Black Forest Gateau)
  • Cake a l’orange (Orange Cake)


Forêt Noirはココアが入ったビスキュイの生地が3層になっていて、間にチョコレートムースとキルシュ入りのクリーム、キルシュに漬けたグリオット(野生のチェリー)、上にもう1層チョコレートムースがのっていて、キルシュ入りのクリームで覆われチョコレートを削ったものとキルシュに漬けたグリオットとココアが飾られているケーキです。(書き忘れました、ビスキュイの生地にもたっぷりとキルシュ入りのシロップを染み込ませてあります。)日本でも知られているのかどうか知らないのですが、イギリスでは大昔に(今も?)とても人気があったケーキです。

I don’t know if Forêt Noir is exactly the same as Black Forest Gateau, which was (and still is?) very popular decades ago. It has 3 layers of chocolate sponge (using cocoa), with chocolate mousse, whipped cream with Kirsch, and griottes in Kirsch in between, all topped with chocolate mousse then covered with whipped cream with Kirsch.  (I forgot to add that the sponge layers also have lots of syrup with Kirsch soaked in.)  The finished cake is then decorated with shaved chocolate, cocoa powder and griottes in Kirsch.


When I sent an email to the teacher this was the only day and time I could take the class so I was thinking of not taking it this month because the starting time was going to be quite late, but my husband wanted me to take it.  In fact, he said he would take the lesson himself if I weren’t!  He wanted to have this black forest gateau so much.


You need to freeze the cake before you cover it with whipped cream with Kirsch (otherwise it’s too soft) and mine wasn’t frozen enough during the class so I decorated it after we had dinner.  I was told that it should not be completely covered with white cream, it’s better to show some of the chocolate colour from underneath, which made it easier.


We had a small 1/4 each after dinner.  I didn’t think it would be so rich because I didn’t think we used so much cream but I’d forgotten that there is a lot of chocolate mousse, which is very rich.  My husband loved it.  Unfortunately for him, this is not a cake I would be able to make without help, it has too many processes and takes so long.





The other cake was an orange cake.  I added some fresh orange segments on top just for the photo.  In the cake batter there is some strong flour but much more almond flour than wheat flour.  It has a lot of grated rind of oranges, Grand Marnier in the batter, and marmalade on top, so it is a very fragrant cake, there are also some fresh orange segments inside.


My husband loves cakes like Black Forest Gateau with lots of chocolate, mousse or whipped cream.  I do enjoy it in small quantities but cannot eat a lot of it.  I tend to love this type of more simple cake, I find them moreish.  I do tend to love any cakes that have a lot of almond flour, too.  I also like this crunchy icing.  This cake doesn’t take too long to bake, and I can probably bake it again on my own.




After my husband went to bed last night, I did the preparation for this lesson and it took me 2 hours.  There are so many ingredients, specially for the black forest gateau.  3 lots of cream, 2 lots of Kirsch, 5 lots of granulated sugar etc etc.  As the same ingredients appear in a few different processes, I needed to put some memo on each one.  There were also a few things we needed to make like syrup, glacage etc so it was quite time consuming.  I also had to do a few things today because it’s not a good idea to crack eggs too far in advance, etc.  Then the lesson was 3.5 hours then washing up so in total it took me 6 hours or so to bake these 2 cakes.  Wow!  I don’t know how the teacher does this so many times a month.




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  1. 愛されている妻 says:


    1. Noodle says:




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