Japan Centre (Ichiba) & Petersham Nurseries

ロンドンから戻って来た日は、途中で2ヶ所の寄り道しました。1ヶ所目は、Westfield という大きなショッピングモールの中にあるジャパンセンター Ichiba。ジャパンセンターは2店舗あり1ヶ所には以前行ったことがあるのですが、こちらの方が大きいようだったのでこちらに行ってみました。でも、思っていたより小さく品揃えも少なくて、期待はずれでした。ネットショップでは買えないラーメンとか店舗なら置いてあるかもと思っていたのですが、品揃えは多分ネットショップと同じかなと思いました。お野菜もあまり種類はなかったです。

On the way back home from London we stopped at two places.  The first stop was at Westfield Shopping Centre to go to Japan Centre Ichiba.  Japan Centre has 2 shops, we’d been to the one in central London and the other one is in this shopping Centre. I had the impression that this was larger than the other one so we thought they might have more items.  There are a few things that we haven’t been able to buy on their online shop for a year or longer and thought they may have them in the shop.  The post offices in Japan still aren’t accepting any parcels to England by air so there are a lot of things we haven’t been able to get and were hoping we could do so here, but it wasn’t very large and didn’t have a very good range of items, not many fresh vegetables either.


ジャパンセンターでお菓子や中華麺などを買った後、Pret a Manger でランチをしました。本当はこの後行ったところのカフェでと思っていましたが、ストの影響でクローズしているお店も多かったのでリスクが大きいと判断し、Westfield Shopping Centre の中で食べてしまうことにしました。夕食を作るのは面倒だったので、お昼にしっかり食べて夜は何か軽いものにと思い、サンドイッチをそれぞれ1つずつとファラフェルのサラダをシェアーしました。サラダは多すぎるのではと思ったのですが、ほとんどがグリーンでそれほどでもなかったです。ファラフェルはまぁまぁでしたが、フムスはわたしが作るのと似た味で好みでした。

So we just bought a few things like snacks, noodles etc, and had lunch at Pret a Manger.  We wanted to have a proper lunch at the cafe at our second stop, but many shops were closed because of the railway strikes so we thought it was too risky and decided to have something in Westfield Shopping Centre.  We didn’t want to cook anything in the evening so we wanted to have a substantial lunch so we had a sandwich each and also shared a falafel salad.  The salad looked quite large but it was mostly lettuce so not that large for two.  Falafel was just OK but the hummus was very nice, similar to what I make at home.



この後、リッチモンドにある Petersham Nursaries というところに寄りました。到着して駐車場に続く道に入るところで「満車」のサインが置かれていたのですが、ちょうどわたしたちが近づいたとき1台車が出てきて1台分空いたので、入ることが出来ました。ここには2度行ったことがあるのですが道沿い(Petersham Nursariesの道)から駐車場にかけてずらっと車が停まっていて、全然見覚えがない。そして、1台分だけ空いていたところに停めて中に入っても、見覚えがない。1度目は当時ロンドンにお住まいだったお友達が連れていってくださって(調べてみると2006年、16年も前のことでした)、2度目は夫と行ったのですが、夫は全く覚えていなくて「こんなところ、絶対来たことない。」と言いますし、わたしは行ったのは覚えていますが駐車場も中の様子も記憶と全然違っていました。

Then we went on to our second stop at Petersham Nursaries in Richmond.  When we got to the turn into their parking lot, there was a sign that said “Full” but luckily just as we were nearly there a car came out and the sign was removed.  As we turned into the little lane, which obviously belongs to Petersham Nurseries, there were cars parked along the lane and there was just enough space for us to drive.  We parked our car in the only space left.  My husband was saying “I haven’t been here, I definitely haven’t been to this car park.”  I couldn’t remember the car park at all either.  I’d been there twice, the first time a friend of mine, who was living in London at the time, took me there and the second time was with my husband (who could not remember anything about it at all), but I didn’t remember parking a car was that difficult.

まず、駐車場から歩いてすぐに目についたのは、所謂 Nursery (ガーデンセンター)でたくさんの植物が置かれていました。う〜ん、こんなふうに植物を売っているところ、あったっけ?全然記憶にない。とはいえ、この何年かの自分の記憶力のなさは酷いものなので、ガーデニングに興味がなかったので覚えていないだけなのかも、と思ったり。でも、こんなに広ければ少しは覚えているのでは??

Then as we walked from the car park, the first thing we saw was the nursery part with lots and lots of plants.  Hmmm, I don’t remember this at all either.  Having said that, I don’t remember lots of things these days, my memory is shocking, so I couldn’t say if this was there before or not, but the area is so large I thought I should remember it.


Then we went into a covered area and I still didn’t remember…







Then, here, I thought, “This is what I remember!”



We liked this table cloth and looked around for a pile of table cloths but couldn’t find it.  I thought maybe we can order online, but in the end I asked one of the staff.  She found that they had one in their storage and got it for us.  We used it for dinner yesterday.  (I looked at their online shop, they don’t have a lot of things and this table cloth isn’t there so I’m glad we bought it then.)






I loved their pots.  I would love to have some of them in our garden but am not sure if they woud look good and where best to put them.  Maybe two of smaller ones in the front porch?







I found out later online that they had done significant renovations and the nursery had been added then.



When we were there this time, there was some event and the restaurants and the cafe were both closed for them, which was a shame but we were glad we’d had lunch in Westfield Shopping Centre.  When I was there before, they had only a small casual cafe but they now have a restaurant as well as cafe and you can eat a proper lunch.


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