Soup Curry (Curry Flavoured Soup With Vegetable Toppings)


Some days ago, my husband said to me, “Apparently, something called Soup Curry is very popular in Japan.”, which prompted me to cook it.  Is it very popular in Japan now?  I know it was some years ago but maybe it’s become popular again?


I myself have never had Soup Curry in Japan, I’d never heard of it when we were living there.  Apparently it’s from Sapporo but we hadn’t heard of it where we lived in Kansai.   I did make it once some years ago, but as I’d never had the real thing all I could do is to imagine it from some photos that I see online.  I think typically the soup is made with chicken (with bones) and there are a lot of toppings of grilled or deep-fried vegetables.


As we didn’t have any chicken thigh or leg, we used pork shoulder today.  I’m going to write a rough recipe here as a memo for myself but I didn’t follow any particular recipe, just guessed the rough amount of everything.  I did read some recipes online to know what sort of thing it is and found that most people cook it in a very similar way when to Indian curry, just put in more soup – so that’s what I did.  I forgot that we were using pork shoulder instead of chicken and didn’t start cooking until a bit late so I used a braising pan for cooking pork and a frying pan for the curry sauce and put them together so we could start cooking the pork as soon as possible.  I should have added more water as there wasn’t enough soup at the end, but it was very tasty.  I could have added more cayenne pepper.


ポークの肩ロース 350g(こんなに必要ないですが、冷凍していたものを解凍したので全部使いました)
玉ねぎ 小2個(スライス)
クミンシード 小さじ1
カルダモン 3つ
ニンニク 2かけ(微塵切り)
生姜 1かけ(微塵切り)
茅乃屋の鶏だし(減塩) 1パック
クミンパウダー 小さじ1
コリアンダーパウダー 小さじ1
カレー粉(中辛) 大さじ2


野菜 適当に適量

  1. 厚手のお鍋にオイルを熱してポークの肩ロースを加えて前面に色をつける。
  2. お水を加えて、鶏出しバック、月桂樹の葉、ドライのハーブを加え、弱火で煮込む。
  3. 別のフライパンにオイルとクミンシードとカルダモンを入れて熱する。
  4. 良い香りがして来たら玉ねぎを加えて狐色になるまで炒める。
  5. ニンニクと生姜を加えて更に炒める。
  6. クミンパウダー、コリアンダーパウダー、カレー粉、カイエンペッパー、塩、胡椒を加えて炒める。
  7. 缶トマトのトマトを適量加えてしっかりと炒める。
  8. ポークのお鍋に加えて、月桂樹の葉とハーブ・ド・プロバンスを加える。
  9. ある程度ポークが柔らかくなって来たら、ポテトを加える。
  10. ポークが柔らかくなったらがラムマサラを加えて塩分調整をする。
  11. 盛り付けて、野菜を焼いたものをトッピングする。

350g Pork Shoulder (which was too much but used the whole block that we had)
2 small onions (sliced)
1 tsp cumin seeds
3 cardamum pots
2 cloves garlic
1 small piece ginger
chicken stock cube or powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
2 Tbs curry powder (medium spicy)
A little cayenne pepper
1 Tbs garam masala
tin tomato
Herbs de Province (supposed to be dried basil but we don’t have any)
salt & pepper


  1. Heat oil in a pan, add cubed pork shoulder and brown all the sides.
  2. Add water and soup stock powder or cube, bay leaf, dried herbs and cook on low heat once it comes to boil.
  3. In a frying pan, heat cumin seeds & cardamum pods in oil on low heat.
  4. When you can smell the spices, add slice onion and sauté until brown.
  5. Add garlic & ginger and sauce further.
  6. Add cumin powder, coriander powder, curry powder, cayenne pepper, salt & pepper.
  7. Add some of tin tomato and sautee until it becomes like sauce.
  8. Add the sauce to the pork with water.
  9. When pork begins to soften add potato.
  10. When pork is tender, cook vegetables.
  11. Just before serving, add garam masala, check seasoning.
  12. Put the pork, soup, potato in a shallow bowl, top with cooked vegetables.




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  1. 愛されている妻 says:


    1. spiceynoodle says:




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