Salad Night & Avocado



After going back to bed, I finally fell asleep around 8.00am, but I had to get up at 9.30 to go to the hairdresser so I slept about 4 hours altogether including the sleep I had from 11.00pm until 1.30am.  Not so bad for me!

As we both have a jet lag we decided to have an early dinner today.  I was craving for salads for the last one week or so, so tonight’s dinner was a mix of various salads.  Both my husband and I put weight on during the holiday so we are trying to get rid of it, so no bread tonight.  I did make a potato salad so we had some carbohydrate but better than bread.  I missed bread very much, though…  Even so, I really enjoyed eating them, they made me feel much better.






Mexican Salad – tomato, onion, yellow pepper, cucumber, avocado, black beans, coriander leaves.  I poured some lime juice, olive oil and S & P.



Caprese.  I almost always make this when we have a salad dinner because it’s so quick to make and my husband loves it.



Carrot Salad with raisin and pine nuts – with lemon juice and olive oil.



New potato salad with red onion, cornichon, lemon juice, olive oil, parsley.



Waldorf Salad without mayo – celery, apple, walnut, lemon juice & olive oil.




I’m planning to write about it in a separate post with a photo, but we bought avocados in an ordinary supermarket in Cape Town and they were delicious, the best ever!  They were huge, had very strong avocado taste and the texture was specially sticky.  The best avocados I have had in my whole life!  In Singapore, it’s almost impossible to find just ripe ones so we buy them when they are still green and leave them around until they become dark colour but inside is often black or we get the timing wrong and they’re under-ripe.  I think we throw away about 90% of the avocados we buy – and they are very expensive!

そんなことをインスタに書いたらお友達から「Little Farms」で美味しいアボカドが買えますよ!と嬉しい情報をいただいたので、さっそく買ってみました。今日買って今日食べることが出来ました!状態も良かったです。ケープタウンのアボカドとは違い水っぽくはありますが、シンガポールで買えるアボカドとしては良い状態でしたし、当日食べれるのはとても嬉しい!

When I was complaining about them on my Instagram, a friend of mine told me you can get good ones in “Little Farms”, so I tried one from them.  I bought it today and it was just ripe and good!!  I have to say it was a bit watery and didn’t have very strong taste, but it was good for Singapore and I was happy I was able to use it today.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. 私はアフリカはチュニジアしか行ったことがないのだけど、A型肝炎ウィルスのワクチン注射して、「生物(生野菜)は食べないように」と言われて。

    1. Noodle says:


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