Indian Takeaway Equivalent


Although the temperature went up to 26C during the day, it was very cloudy most of the day so it wasn’t really warm enough for sitting in the garden today.  It’s been relatively hot so we’ve been using our air-conditioning  just for 10 minutes or so before going to bed so the room is nice and cool (and again in the morning when the temperature goes up).  It didn’t feel hot downstairs but it was as warm as 27C upstairs.  It looks like this heatwave is finished and it’ll be around 22C from tomorrow for a week or so.


今日はスーパーのデリバリーの日で、Marks & Spencers のインド料理をオーダーしていたので、今日のディナーはオーブンで温めるだけのインド料理でした。今回はオニオンバージ、バターチキン、ポテトのカレー(オーダーしていたものが売り切れで違うものが来ました、あまり美味しくはなかった)、ナン。

It was a supermarket delivery day and we’d ordered Marks & Spencers’ Indian meals so that’s what we had today for dinner, we just had to warm them up.  This time, we ordered Onion Bahji, Butter Chicken, Potato Curry (what we ordered was out of stock and another potato curry came, this was tasteless, I must say) and Naan.



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