Turner’s Pies

今日は用があってチチェスター という近くの街に行ったので、以前からトライしたいと思っていた 「Turner’s Pies」というパイ屋さんでパイ(ビーフのベーコンとビール煮のパイ)を買ってみました。イギリスに住んでいなくて年に1度くらい旅行でイギリスに来ると、夫が真っ先に行きたがるのがパブで、パブで最初に食べるものがパイ系のものでした。夫はステーキ&キドニーパイが好きですが、わたしはキドニーは苦手。なので、今日はビーフとベーコン。底のパイ生地はべちゃべちゃになって美味しくないですが、上にのっているパイ生地はサクサクで美味しかったです。サクサクすぎてすぐに崩れてしまうので、盛り付けはあまり綺麗にはできませんでしたが。お肉は結構ドライ。日本人は一般的にパサついたお肉があまり好きではないので日本人向けではないかもしれませんが、肉臭くなく柔らかく美味しかったです。(こちらの煮込み用のビーフは日本の煮込み用ビーフと違ってほとんど脂がないので、どうしてもパサついてしまうのです。なので、わたしたちはいつも脛肉を使うようにしています。)


We needed to go to Chichester so we bought a pie in Turner’s Pies while we were there.  I’ve been wanting to try this place but this is our first time.  When we lived outside England and visited England once  a year or so, the first place my husband wanted to go to as soon as we arrive was a pub and the first food he would have was often Steak & Kidney Pie, he loves this sort of pies.  I don’t like kidney so we bought Beef, Bacon & Ale Pie.  The bottom pie crust was naturally soggy but the top was very nice, light and short.  It is very fragile so the presentation wasn’t great but lovely to eat.   The filling was also very nice.  I think in general Japanese would find the beef too dry because they don’t like dry meat, the beef in Japan has quite a lot of fat so even stewing beef has quite a lot of fat and becomes very tender when cooked.  Stewing beef here doesn’t have much fat so it does tend to get a bit dry.  I don’t mind is as much as I used to, I’m getting used to it – although when we make any beef casserole type of things we use shin of beef as it’s more tender.

We had it with carrot Glacé, steam stir-fried cabbage with garlic, and potato baked in the oven.









We also bought gravy.







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