Hotel Daniel in Paris & Going Back to the UK


We were going to Bordeaux today, to stay there for the night, then coming back to Paris for one night, before flying to Vienna for a 4 nights stay, and finally back to Paris for one night and Eurostar back to the UK. However we decided to cancel all that and go straight back to the UK. From the day we arrived the number of people with Coronavirus has been shooting up and we cannot enjoy ourselves any longer worrying about getting it. Eating out and staying at a hotel every day, being at the airport, being on the plane, all that seems risky. I’ve read that the number in France is high because they are testing more people and that may be so but I feel the countryside in the UK is probably a less likely place to get it than in Paris or Vienna in a hotel.


All the hotels this time were booked non refundable so we’ll lose most of money, and the hotels in Bordeaux and Vienna that we booked are special ones, so I’m sad we aren’t staying at them, but it feels right to go back to the UK now. We’ll have to re-plan them for a later date.

パリで滞在しているホテルは、Hotel Daniel というこじんまりしたホテルです。シャンゼリゼから近いですが、ちょっと横道に入ります。お部屋は思っていたより広くて居心地良かったです。また近いうちにパリに来て、今度はもっとお買い物もしたいなと思っています。

The hotel we’ve been staying at in Paris is Hotel Daniel, again non refundable. It’s near the Champs Élysées , but it’s in a little street and the hotel isn’t very big. The room is larger than we expected and very comfortable. Next time here I’d like to do some good shopping.

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  1. 愛されている妻 says:


    1. Noodle says:


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